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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2A, 2L, M, T and U

ALBUMBLATTERalbumblatter n. Plural of albumblatt.
ALBUMBLATT n. (German) a short occasional instrumental composition, usually light in character.
AMBULATORILYambulatorily adv. By or in terms of walking.
AMBULATORY adv. walking.
ANIMALCULISTanimalculist n. (Historical) A believer in the theory that the embryo exists preformed within the spermatozoon; a proponent…
animalculist n. (Obsolete) Someone who studies animalcules.
animalculist adj. (Historical) Pertaining to animalculism.
AUTOALLOGAMYAUTOALLOGAMY n. the ability of some plants of a species to cross-pollinate and others to self-pollinate.
CALAMITOUSLYcalamitously adv. In a calamitous manner.
CALAMITOUS adv. disastrous.
EXTRAMURALLYextramurally adv. In an extramural manner.
EXTRAMURAL adv. outside the walls or fortifications; outside, but under the aegis of e.g. a university.
FLAMMULATIONflammulation n. (Zoology) flame-like markings.
FLAMMULATION n. flamelike marking.
IMMACULATELYimmaculately adv. In an immaculate manner; in a manner free of stain or blemish; without being defiled.
immaculately adv. In a manner free of error; in a perfect or flawless manner.
IMMACULATE adv. having no stain or blemish.
INTRAMURALLYintramurally adv. In an intramural manner.
INTRAMURAL adv. being within the walls, as of a city.
LACTALBUMINSlactalbumins n. Plural of lactalbumin.
LACTALBUMIN n. a protein, present in milk, which contains all of the essential amino acids.
MISCALCULATEmiscalculate v. To calculate incorrectly.
miscalculate v. To make a gross error in judgement.
MISCALCULATE v. to calculate wrongly.
MULLIGATAWNYmulligatawny n. An Indian soup having a meat base and curry seasoning.
MULLIGATAWNY n. (Tamil) an East Indian curry-soup.
MULTIANGULARmultiangular adj. Having or pertaining to more than one angle.
MULTIANGULAR adj. having many angles, also MULTANGULAR.
MULTILATERALmultilateral adj. Having many sides or points of view.
multilateral adj. (Politics) Involving three or more parties or nations.
multilateral n. (Politics) A group with representatives from three or more parties or nations.
MUTATIONALLYmutationally adv. In a mutational manner.
mutationally adv. With regard to mutation.
MUTATIONAL adv. relating to a mutation.
TRANSLUMENALTRANSLUMENAL adj. (of a surgical procedure) performed within a blood vessel, duct, or cavity, also TRANSLUMINAL.
TRANSLUMINALtransluminal adj. (Anatomy) Across a lumen.
transluminal adj. Relating to translumination.
TRANSLUMINAL adj. (of a surgical procedure) performed within a blood vessel, duct, or cavity, also TRANSLUMENAL.
ULTRAREALISMultrarealism n. (Politics, philosophy) Any particular strong form of realism.
ULTRAREALISM n. extreme realism.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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