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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, I, P, 2T and U

ANTENUPTIALSANTENUPTIAL n. a contract made before marriage.
ANTIPETALOUSantipetalous adj. (Botany) Alternative form of antepetalous.
ANTIPETALOUS adj. opposite a petal.
AUTOPLASTIESautoplasties n. Plural of autoplasty.
AUTOPLASTY n. grafting tissue from patient's own body.
AUTOPTICALLYautoptically adv. By means of ocular view, or one’s own observation.
AUTOPTICAL adv. based on personal observation, as autoptic testimony, also AUTOPTIC.
CAPITULATINGcapitulating v. Present participle of capitulate.
CAPITULATE v. to yield, accept terms.
CAPITULATIONcapitulation n. A reducing to heads or articles; a formal agreement.
capitulation n. The act of capitulating or surrendering to an enemy upon stipulated terms; the act of ceasing to resist…
capitulation n. The instrument containing the terms of an agreement or surrender.
CAPITULATORScapitulators n. Plural of capitulator.
CAPITULATOR n. one who capitulates.
CAPITULATORYcapitulatory adj. Serving to capitulate or surrender.
CAPITULATORY adj. of the nature of capitulation.
CATAPULTIERScatapultiers n. Plural of catapultier.
CATAPULTIER n. one who uses a catapult.
FLUORAPATITEfluorapatite n. (Mineralogy) A calcium halophosphate mineral, in which fluoride replaces the hydroxide of apatite, that…
FLUORAPATITE n. a mineral consisting of calcium phosphate fluoride, the most common form of apatite.
NATUROPATHICnaturopathic adj. (Alternative medicine) Relating to naturopathy or to naturopaths.
NATUROPATHIC adj. relating to naturopathy.
PARACHUTISTSparachutists n. Plural of parachutist.
PARACHUTIST n. one that parachutes.
PARATUNGSTICPARATUNGSTIC adj. as in paratungstic acid.
PARTICULATESparticulates n. Plural of particulate (“solid or liquid in a subdivided state”).
PARTICULATE n. a particulate substance.
PLATITUDINALplatitudinal adj. Characterized by banality or triteness.
PLATITUDINAL adj. of or like platitude, also PLATITUDINOUS.
PUTANGITANGIPUTANGITANGI n. (Maori) a New Zealand bird, aka paradise duck.
RECAPITULATErecapitulate v. (Transitive) To summarize or repeat in concise form.
recapitulate v. (Intransitive) To summarize or repeat in concise form.
recapitulate v. (Transitive) To reproduce or closely resemble (as in structure or function).
REPUTATIONALreputational adj. Of or pertaining to reputation.
REPUTATIONAL adj. relating to reputation.
SUMATRIPTANSSorry, definition not available.
UNCAPTIVATEDuncaptivated adj. Not captivated.
UNCAPTIVATED adj. not captivated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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