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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, 2I, M and 2O

ABOMINATIONSabominations n. Plural of abomination.
ABOMINATION n. something abominable.
AICHMOPHOBIAaichmophobia n. The fear of needles and other pointed or sharp objects.
AICHMOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of sharp or pointed objects.
AMELIORATIONamelioration n. The act of making better.
amelioration n. An improvement.
amelioration n. (Linguistics) The process by which a term gains a more positive connotation over time.
AMMONIATIONSammoniations n. Plural of ammoniation.
AMMONIATION n. impregnation with ammonia.
AMORTISATIONamortisation n. Alternative spelling of amortization.
AMORTISATION n. the act of amortising, also AMORTIZATION.
AMORTIZATIONamortization n. The reduction of loan principal over a series of payments.
amortization n. The distribution of the cost of an intangible asset, such as an intellectual property right, over the…
AMORTIZATION n. the act of amortising, also AMORTISATION.
ATOMISATIONSatomisations n. Plural of atomisation.
ATOMISATION n. the reduction of liquids to the form of spray, also ATOMIZATION.
ATOMIZATIONSatomizations n. Plural of atomization.
ATOMIZATION n. the reduction of liquids to the form of spray, also ATOMISATION.
MORALISATIONmoralisation n. Britain standard spelling of moralization.
MORALISATION n. the act of moralising, also MORALIZATION.
MORALIZATIONmoralization n. The act of moralizing.
moralization n. Moral reform.
MORALIZATION n. the act of moralizing, also MORALISATION.
MOTIVATIONALmotivational adj. Tending or intended to motivate.
MOTIVATIONAL adj. relating to motivation.
NOMADIZATIONnomadization n. Conversion to a nomadic lifestyle.
NOMADIZATION n. the act of nomadizing, also NOMADISATION.
ONOMASTICIANonomastician n. A person who studies onomastics; one who studies or researches names.
ONOMASTICIAN n. one who practises onomastics, the study of proper names.
ORCHIDOMANIAorchidomania n. An obsession with orchids; enthusiasm for raising or collecting orchids.
ORCHIDOMANIA n. an obsession with orchids.
POTICHOMANIApotichomania n. A process in which the inside of a glass vessel is painted or etched.
POTICHOMANIA n. a craze for imitating Oriental porcelain.
ROMANISATIONromanisation n. Alternative letter-case form of Romanisation: non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of Romanization.
Romanisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of Romanization.
ROMANISATION n. the act of romanising, also ROMANIZATION.
ROMANIZATIONromanization n. Alternative letter-case form of Romanization.
Romanization n. (Usually uncountable) The act or process of putting text into the Latin (Roman) alphabet, by means such…
Romanization n. (Countable) An instance (a string) of text transliterated or transcribed from another alphabet into…
SOMATIZATIONsomatization n. (Medicine) The generation of physical symptoms of a psychiatric condition such as anxiety.
TOXICOMANIAStoxicomanias n. Plural of toxicomania.
TOXICOMANIA n. a morbid craving for poisons.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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