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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2A, H, L, P and 2R

ARCHESPORIALarchesporial adj. Relating to the archesporia, cells of the sporangium that give rise to spores.
ARCHESPORIAL adj. of or like an archesporium, a primitive cell or group of cells from which a mother cell develops.
ARTHROPLASTYarthroplasty n. (Surgery) The surgical repair of a joint, or creation of an artificial joint, such as a hip replacement.
ARTHROPLASTY n. surgical reconstruction of a joint.
CALLIGRAPHERcalligrapher n. One who practices calligraphy.
CALLIGRAPHER n. a professional copyist or engrosser, also CALLIGRAPHIST.
HYPERAROUSALhyperarousal n. A state of heightened psychological and physiological tension resulting in reduced pain tolerance, anxiety…
HYPERAROUSAL n. a state of extreme arousal.
OROGRAPHICALorographical adj. Alternative form of orographic.
OROGRAPHICAL adj. relating to orography, the description of mountains, also OROGRAPHIC.
PALEOGRAPHERpaleographer n. A person skilled in paleography.
PALEOGRAPHER n. a student of paleography.
POLAROGRAPHSpolarographs n. Plural of polarograph.
POLAROGRAPH n. an apparatus for automatic chemical analysis in which a sample solution is electrolysed at successively higher voltages and the resulting current plotted against voltage.
POLAROGRAPHYpolarography n. (Chemistry) An electrochemical technique for the analysis of redox reactions.
POLAROGRAPHY n. a technique for determining the concentration and nature of the ions in a solution by an electrolytic process.
PREREHEARSALprerehearsal adj. Before a dramatic rehearsal.
prerehearsal n. An informal rehearsal done very early in process of preparing a performance.
PREREHEARSAL n. a preliminary rehearsal.
PROCATHEDRALprocathedral n. A church used in place of a cathedral.
procathedral adj. Used in place of a cathedral.
pro-cathedral n. Alternative form of procathedral.
REPROACHABLEreproachable adj. Deserving reproach.
reproachable adj. (Obsolete) Opprobrious; scurrilous; reproachful; abusive.
REPROACHABLE adj. worthy of reproach.
REPROACHABLYreproachably adv. In a reproachable manner.
REPROACHABLE adv. worthy of reproach.
RHOPALOCERALrhopaloceral adj. Of or relating to the Rhopalocera.
RHOPALOCERAL adj. relating to the Rhopalocera, a suborder of insects with clubbed antennae, also RHOPALOCEROUS.
SCROPHULARIAScrophularia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Scrophulariaceae – the figworts, native principally to Asia.
SCROPHULARIA n. a plant of the figwort genus.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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