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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2A, G, I, 2N and V

CARAVANNINGSCARAVANNING n. holidaying by caravan.
DISADVANCINGdisadvancing v. Present participle of disadvance.
DISADVANCE v. (Spenser) to draw back, or cause to draw back, also DISAVAUNCE.
DISAVAUNCINGdisavauncing v. Present participle of disavaunce.
DISAVAUNCE v. (Spenser) to retard; to repel, also DISADVANCE.
ENVASSALLINGenvassalling v. Present participle of envassal.
ENVASSAL v. to make a vassal.
EVAGINATIONSevaginations n. Plural of evagination.
EVAGINATION n. surgical removal of the vagina.
GALLIVANTINGgallivanting v. Present participle of gallivant.
gallivanting n. Roaming about for pleasure.
GALLIVANT v. to roam about for pleasure without any definite plan, also GALAVANT, GALIVANT.
INACTIVATINGinactivating v. Present participle of inactivate.
INACTIVATE v. to make inactive.
INSALIVATINGinsalivating v. Present participle of insalivate.
INSALIVATE v. to mix with saliva.
INVAGINATINGinvaginating v. Present participle of invaginate.
INVAGINATE v. to ensheath.
INVAGINATIONinvagination n. (Medicine) The process where an anatomical part invaginates upon itself or into another structure.
invagination n. One of the methods by which the various germinal layers of the ovum are differentiated.
INVAGINATION n. the act of invaginating.
INVALIDATINGinvalidating v. Present participle of invalidate.
INVALIDATE v. to make invalid.
LANDGRAVINESlandgravines n. Plural of landgravine.
LANDGRAVINE n. a member of the German aristocracy.
NAVIGATIONALnavigational adj. Pertaining to navigation.
NAVIGATIONAL adj. relating to navigation.
NOCTIVAGANTSNOCTIVAGANT n. someone who wanders in the night.
OVERMANAGINGovermanaging v. Present participle of overmanage.
OVERMANAGE v. to manage to excess.
TRANSVAGINALtransvaginal adj. (Medicine) Through the vagina.
TRANSVAGINAL adj. across the vagina.
TRANSVALUINGtransvaluing v. Present participle of transvalue.
TRANSVALUE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUATE.
UNAVAILINGLYunavailingly adv. In an unavailing manner; without successful results; to no avail.
UNAVAILING adv. not availing.
VATICINATINGvaticinating v. Present participle of vaticinate.
VATICINATE v. to prophesy, predict.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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