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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2A, G, I, L, M and Y

AMYGDALOIDALamygdaloidal adj. Shaped like an almond.
amygdaloidal adj. Of, like or pertaining to, the amygdaloid mineral.
AMYGDALOIDAL adj. having amygdules.
CARDIOMEGALYcardiomegaly n. Megalocardia.
CARDIOMEGALY n. another name for megalocardia.
DOGMATICALLYdogmatically adv. In a dogmatic manner.
DOGMATICAL adv. pertaining to a dogma, or to an established and authorized doctrine or tenet, also DOGMATIC.
EMARGINATELYemarginately adv. In an emarginate way.
EMARGINATE adv. without a margin.
FIBROMYALGIAfibromyalgia n. (Medicine, pathology) A condition characterised by chronic pain, stiffness, and tenderness of the muscles…
FIBROMYALGIA n. any of a group of rheumatic disorders affecting soft tissues.
GEODYNAMICALgeodynamical adj. Of or pertaining to geodynamics.
GEODYNAMICAL adj. related to geodynamics, the study of the dynamic processes and forces within the earth.
HAMARTIOLOGYhamartiology n. (Christianity) The theology or study of sin.
HAMARTIOLOGY n. a part of theology treating the doctrine of sin.
LYMPHANGIOMAlymphangioma n. (Medicine) A benign tumour of the lymph vessel.
LYMPHANGIOMA n. an angioma of the lymph nodes.
MAGISTRALITYmagistrality n. Magisterialness; arbitrary dogmatism.
MAGISTRALITY n. the state of being magistral.
MAGNETICALLYmagnetically adv. Using magnetism.
magnetically adv. As if by a magnet.
MAGNETICAL adv. pertaining to the magnet, also MAGNETIC.
MAGNIFICALLYmagnifically adv. In a magnific or magnifical fashion.
MAGNIFICAL adv. (archaic) magnificent, also MAGNIFIC.
MANAGERIALLYmanagerially adv. In a managerial respect; with regard to management.
MANAGERIAL adv. relating to a manager.
MULLIGATAWNYmulligatawny n. An Indian soup having a meat base and curry seasoning.
MULLIGATAWNY n. (Tamil) an East Indian curry-soup.
MYOGRAPHICALmyographical adj. Of or relating to myography.
MYOGRAPHICAL adj. relating to myography, the description of muscles, also MYOGRAPHIC.
MYSTAGOGICALmystagogical adj. Of or relating to mystagogy.
MYSTAGOGICAL adj. relating to religious ritual initiation, also MYSTAGOGIC.
ORGANISMALLYORGANISMAL adv. relating to an organism, also ORGANISMIC.
ORGASMICALLYorgasmically adv. In an orgasmic way.
ORGASMIC adv. pertaining to orgasm, also ORGASTIC.
UNIMAGINABLYunimaginably adv. To an extent or in a way that cannot be, or could not have been, imagined.
UNIMAGINABLE adv. not imaginable or comprehensible.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 63 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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