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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, F, 2I and 2N

ANTIFASHIONSantifashions n. Plural of antifashion.
ANTIFASHION n. a deliberately unfashionable style.
CAFFEINATINGcaffeinating v. Present participle of caffeinate.
FAINEANTISESFAINEANTISE n. (French) do-nothing-ness; an indisposition to do anything.
FANATICISINGfanaticising v. Present participle of fanaticise.
FANATICISE v. to make fanatical, also FANATICIZE.
FANATICIZINGfanaticizing v. Present participle of fanaticize.
FANATICIZE v. to make fanatical, also FANATICISE.
FASCINATIONSfascinations n. Plural of fascination.
FASCINATION n. the quality of fascinating.
FINALISATIONfinalisation n. The act or process of finalising.
FINALISATION n. the act of finalising, also FINALIZATION.
FINALIZATIONfinalization n. Alternative form of finalisation.
FINALIZATION n. the act of finalising, also FINALISATION.
FINANCIALISTfinancialist n. (Archaic) A financier.
FINANCIALIST n. a financier.
FRANCISATIONfrancisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of francization.
Francisation n. Non-Oxford British spelling standard spelling of francization.
FRANCISATION n. the act of making French, also FRANCIZATION.
FRANCIZATIONfrancization n. (Uncommon except Quebec) Synonym of Frenchification (“the act or process of making or becoming more…
francization n. (Uncommon except Quebec) Synonym of Gallicization (“translation into French”).
Francization n. Alternative letter-case form of francization.
INFANTICIDALinfanticidal adj. Of or pertaining to infanticide.
INFANTICIDAL adj. relating to infanticide, the killing of a small child.
INFATUATIONSinfatuations n. Plural of infatuation.
INFATUATION n. the state of being infatuated.
INFIRMARIANSinfirmarians n. Plural of infirmarian.
INFIRMARIAN n. (historical) an officer in a mediaeval monastery who was in charge of the infirmary, also INFIRMARER.
INFLAMMATIONinflammation n. The act of inflaming, kindling, or setting on fire.
inflammation n. The state of being inflamed.
inflammation n. (Pathology) A condition of any part of the body, consisting of congestion of the blood vessels, with…
INFLATIONARYinflationary adj. Causing or liable to cause inflation.
INFLATIONARY adj. of, characterized by, or productive of inflation.
INGRAFTATIONINGRAFTATION n. the act of ingrafting.
NAZIFICATIONNazification n. The act or process of Nazifying.
NAZIFICATION n. the act of making Nazi.
NONFINANCIALnonfinancial adj. Not financial.
nonfinancial adj. (Finance) Not directly related to the finance industry.
NONFINANCIAL adj. not financial.
PANIFICATIONpanification n. Breadmaking.
PANIFICATION n. transformation into bread.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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