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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2A, E, O, 2R and U

ADULTERATORSadulterators n. Plural of adulterator.
ADULTERATOR n. one who adulterates a commodity.
ARTOCARPUSESARTOCARPUS n. a plant of the genus Artocarpus of the mulberry family, that includes breadfruit and jack.
AUTOGRAVURESautogravures n. Plural of autogravure.
AUTOGRAVURE n. a process of photoengraving similar to autotype.
AVERRUNCATORaverruncator n. An instrument for pruning trees, consisting of two blades, or a blade and a hook, fixed on the end of a long rod.
AVERRUNCATOR n. an instrument (on a pole) for pruning trees.
CERAUNOGRAPHceraunograph n. A device for measuring lightning discharges.
CERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording thunderstorms by detecting the radio waves generated, also KERAUNOGRAPH.
HYPERAROUSALhyperarousal n. A state of heightened psychological and physiological tension resulting in reduced pain tolerance, anxiety…
HYPERAROUSAL n. a state of extreme arousal.
KERAUNOGRAPHkeraunograph n. (Archaic) A figure or picture impressed by lightning upon the human body or elsewhere.
keraunograph n. A ceraunograph; an instrument for measuring and recording lightning.
KERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for detecting distant thunderstorms, also CERAUNOGRAPH.
MACRONUCLEARmacronuclear adj. Of or pertaining to a macronucleus.
MACRONUCLEAR adj. of or like a macronucleus.
ORACULARNESSoracularness n. Oracularity.
ORACULARNESS n. the state of being oracular.
OUTMARRIAGESoutmarriages n. Plural of outmarriage.
OUTMARRIAGE n. marriage outside the social group.
OVERSATURATEoversaturate v. To saturate to excess.
OVERSATURATE v. to saturate to excess.
PARADOXURINEparadoxurine adj. Of, or pertaining to, the genus Paradoxurus.
PARADOXURINE n. any of a number of palm civet species.
PERAMBULATORperambulator n. (Britain) A baby carriage.
perambulator n. One who perambulates.
perambulator n. A surveyor’s instrument for measuring distances, consisting of a wheel that rolls over the ground, along…
PTEROSAURIANpterosaurian adj. (Paleontology) Of or relating to the Pterosauria.
pterosaurian n. (Paleontology) Any of the Pterosauria; a pterosaur.
PTEROSAURIAN n. a pterodactyl, also PTEROSAUR.
RENATURATIONrenaturation n. (Biochemistry) The reconstruction of the original form of a protein or nucleic acid following denaturation.
RENATURATION n. the act of renaturing.
RENOVASCULARrenovascular adj. Of or pertaining to the blood vessels of the kidney.
RENOVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or involving the blood vessels of the kidneys.
RESTAURATIONrestauration n. Obsolete form of restoration.
RESTAURATION n. the business, skill or art of a restaurateur.
URANOGRAPHERuranographer n. One who carries out uranography.
URANOGRAPHER n. one who maps the constellations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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