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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2A, E, 2I and 2P

APITHERAPIESAPITHERAPY n. the therapeutic use of bee products, such as royal jelly and propolis.
APPERTAININGappertaining v. Present participle of appertain.
APPERTAIN v. to relate to.
APPRAISIVELYAPPRAISIVE adv. having an appraising quality.
APPRECIATINGappreciating v. Present participle of appreciate.
appreciating adj. Appreciative: having or showing appreciation.
appreciating n. Appreciation.
APPRECIATIONappreciation n. The act of appreciating.
appreciation n. A fair valuation or estimate of merit, worth, weight, etc.; recognition of excellence; gratitude and esteem.
appreciation n. Accurate perception; true estimation.
APPRECIATIVEappreciative adj. Showing appreciation or gratitude.
appreciative adj. Capable of showing appreciation.
APPRECIATIVE adj. having or showing appreciation.
DISAPPEARINGdisappearing v. Present participle of disappear.
disappearing n. Disappearance.
DISAPPEAR v. to vanish from sight.
EPIGRAPHICALepigraphical adj. Epigraphic.
EPIGRAPHICAL adj. relating to an epigraph, also EPIGRAPHIC.
EPISCOPALIANepiscopalian adj. Episcopal, pertaining to a bishop of any church.
episcopalian adj. Episcopalian.
episcopalian n. Episcopalian.
INAPPLICABLEinapplicable adj. Not applicable; that does not apply or cannot be applied; unsuitable or irrelevant.
INAPPLICABLE adj. not applicable.
PAEDOPHILIACpaedophiliac n. A person who is sexually attracted to children; a paedophile.
paedophiliac adj. Relating to paedophilia or to a paedophile.
pædophiliac adj. Alternative spelling of paedophiliac.
PAEDOPHILIASpaedophilias n. Plural of paedophilia.
PAEDOPHILIA n. the sexual love of children.
PARAPERIODICPARAPERIODIC adj. as in paraperiodic acid.
PARTICIPABLEparticipable adj. Capable of being participated in or shared.
PARTICIPABLE adj. capable of being participated in or shared.
PARTICIPATEDparticipated v. Simple past tense and past participle of participate.
PARTICIPATE v. to take part in.
PARTICIPATESparticipates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of participate.
PARTICIPATE v. to take part in.
PASIGRAPHIESpasigraphies n. Plural of pasigraphy.
PASIGRAPHY n. a system of universal ideographic writing.
REAPPRAISINGreappraising v. Present participle of reappraise.
REAPPRAISE v. to appraise again.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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