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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 2A, E, 2I and 2M

ACADEMICISMSacademicisms n. Plural of academicism.
Academicisms n. Plural of Academicism.
ACADEMICISM n. the doctrine that nothing can be known.
BICAMERALISMbicameralism n. (Government) The practice of dividing legislative bodies into two chambers with complementary powers…
bicameralism n. (Psychology) Ambiguous misnomer for Julian Jaynes’s theory of bicamerality, probably never used by Jaynes…
BICAMERALISM n. the state of being bicameral, having two chambers.
DIAMAGNETISMdiamagnetism n. (Physics) a weak form of magnetism that is only observed in the presence of an external magnetic field;…
DIAMAGNETISM n. the form of magnetism possessed by diamagnetic bodies.
EPIGRAMMATICepigrammatic adj. Having the characteristics of an epigram.
epigrammatic adj. Containing or using epigrams.
EPIGRAMMATIC adj. of, relating to, or resembling an epigram, also EPIGRAMMATICAL.
EPITHALAMIUMepithalamium n. A song or poem celebrating a marriage.
EPITHALAMIUM n. a lyric ode in honor of a bride and bridegroom, also EPITHALAMION.
GRAMMATICISEgrammaticise v. Non-Oxford standard spelling of grammaticize.
GRAMMATICISE v. to make grammatical, also GRAMMATICIZE.
GRAMMATICIZEgrammaticize v. Synonym of grammaticalize (“to make grammatical”).
grammaticize v. Synonym of grammaticalize (“to to cause (something) to be required by the rules of grammar”).
grammaticize v. Synonym of grammaticalize (“to cause to undergo grammaticization/grammaticalization”).
IMMACULACIESimmaculacies n. Plural of immaculacy.
IMMACULACY n. the state of being immaculate.
IMMATERIALLYimmaterially adv. In an immaterial manner.
IMMATERIAL adv. not consisting of matter.
MATERIALISMSmaterialisms n. Plural of materialism.
MATERIALISM n. the belief that matter is the only extant substance.
MEDIAEVALISMmediaevalism n. Dated spelling of medievalism.
MEDIAEVALISM n. the spirit of the Middle Ages; devotion to medieval ideals, also MEDIEVALISM.
MEGAVITAMINSmegavitamins n. Megadoses of vitamins.
MEGAVITAMIN n. relating to or consisting of very large doses of vitamins.
MENINGIOMATAmeningiomata n. Plural of meningioma.
MENINGIOMA n. a tumour of the meninges of the brain.
MISMARRIAGESmismarriages n. Plural of mismarriage.
MISMARRIAGE n. an unsuitable marriage.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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