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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing 2A, E, F, M and 2R

AFTERMARKETSaftermarkets n. Plural of aftermarket.
after-markets n. Plural of after-market.
AFTERMARKET n. the service offered to consumers after the purchase of goods and services.
AIRCRAFTSMENaircraftsmen n. Plural of aircraftsman.
AIRCRAFTSMAN n. a member of the lowest (male) rank in the RAF, also AIRCRAFTMAN.
FAMILIARISERfamiliariser n. Alternative form of familiarizer.
FAMILIARISER n. one who familiarises, also FAMILIARIZER.
FAMILIARIZERfamiliarizer n. One who, or that which, familiarizes.
familiarizer n. (Linguistics) A term that conveys familiarity.
FAMILIARIZER n. one who familiarizes, also FAMILIARISER.
FORAMINIFERAforaminifera n. Synonym of foraminifer (“any of a large group of aquatic amoeboid protists of the subphylum Foraminifera…
foraminifera n. Plural of foraminiferon.
foraminifera n. Plural of foraminiferum.
FRATERNALISMfraternalism n. Fraternal policies or practices; brotherliness.
FRATERNALISM n. being fraternal.
MANUFACTURERmanufacturer n. A person or company that manufactures.
MANUFACTURER n. one that manufactures.
OVERFAMILIARoverfamiliar adj. Common or repeated to the point of being unnoticed or annoying.
overfamiliar adj. (Used with “with”) So acquainted with something, that one doesn’t notice it, or is annoyed by it.
overfamiliar adj. Overly friendly or intimate.
SHAREFARMERSsharefarmers n. Plural of sharefarmer.
SHAREFARMER n. a tenant farmer who pays a share of the proceeds as rent.
WHARFMASTERSwharfmasters n. Plural of wharfmaster.
WHARFMASTER n. one who controls a wharf.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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