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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2A, D, M, N and 2S

ADOPTIANISMSADOPTIANISM n. the doctrine that Christ, as man, is the adopted son of God, also ADOPTIONISM.
AMAZEDNESSESAMAZEDNESS n. the state of being amazed.
DAMASCENINGSdamascenings n. Plural of damascening.
DAMASCENING n. decorative wavy lines and patterns on metal.
DAMNABLENESSdamnableness n. The state or quality of being damnable.
DAMNABLENESS n. the state of being damnable.
DIPSOMANIACSdipsomaniacs n. Plural of dipsomaniac.
DIPSOMANIAC n. one addicted to drink.
DISARMAMENTSdisarmaments n. Plural of disarmament.
DISARMAMENT n. the act of disarming.
GRANDMASTERSgrandmasters n. Plural of grandmaster.
Grandmasters n. Plural of Grandmaster.
grand␣masters n. Plural of grand master.
LOADSAMONEYSloadsamoneys n. Plural of loadsamoney.
LOADSAMONEY n. wealth accumulated as a result of the economic boom of the 1980s.
LOADSAMONIESLOADSAMONEY n. wealth accumulated as a result of the economic boom of the 1980s.
MAIDSERVANTSmaidservants n. Plural of maidservant.
maid-servants n. Plural of maid-servant.
MAIDSERVANT n. a female servant.
MANDARINISMSmandarinisms n. Plural of mandarinism.
MANDARINISM n. the state of being a mandarin.
MANSPREADERSmanspreaders n. Plural of manspreader.
MARSHLANDERSmarshlanders n. Plural of marshlander.
MARSHLANDER n. one who lives in marshland.
MASSARANDUBAmassaranduba n. A tropical hardwood tree, Manilkara bidentata.
MASSARANDUBA n. (Tupi) the Brazilian milk-tree, also MACERANDUBA, MASSERANDUBA.
MASSERANDUBAmasseranduba n. Alternative form of massaranduba.
MASSERANDUBA n. (Tupi) the Brazilian milk-tree, also MACERANDUBA, MASSARANDUBA.
SALMAGUNDIESsalmagundies n. Plural of salmagundy.
SALMAGUNDY n. (French) a dish of chopped meat, eggs, anchovies, onions etc., also SALMAGUNDI.
STANDPATTISMstandpattism n. Alternative form of standpatism.
STANDPATTISM n. the practice of refusing to consider change in one's beliefs and opinions, esp. in politics.
VAGABONDISMSvagabondisms n. Plural of vagabondism.
VAGABONDISM n. being a vagabond.
VANGUARDISMSvanguardisms n. Plural of vanguardism.
VANGUARDISM n. the condition of being or practice of positioning oneself as or within the vanguard of a movement, esp. political.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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