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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, D, L, M, N and O

AMIANTHOIDALAMIANTHOIDAL adj. of or like amianthus, asbestos with silky fibres, also AMIANTHINE, AMIANTHOID.
AMONTILLADOSamontillados n. Plural of amontillado.
AMONTILLADO n. a kind of sherry.
ANECDOTALISManecdotalism n. A predisposition to relate anecdotes.
ANECDOTALISM n. the relating of anecdotes.
BALLADMONGERballadmonger n. A seller or composer of ballads.
BALLADMONGER n. a dealer in or composer of ballads.
BIODYNAMICALbiodynamical adj. Alternative form of biodynamic.
BIODYNAMICAL adj. relating to biodynamics, the study of the activities of living organisms, also BIODYNAMIC.
DECALCOMANIAdecalcomania n. The process of transferring decorative designs onto surfaces using decals.
decalcomania n. A decal.
DECALCOMANIA n. the art of transferring a design from paper to another surface.
DECLAMATIONSdeclamations n. Plural of declamation.
DECLAMATION n. the act of declaiming.
DELAMINATIONdelamination n. The separation of the layers of a laminar composite material as a result of repeated stress, or failure…
delamination n. (Biology) The formation of a gastrula by the splitting of the blastoderm.
DELAMINATION n. separation into constituent layers.
DEMONIACALLYdemoniacally adv. In a demoniacal manner.
DEMONIACAL adv. like a demoniac, a person possessed by a demon or evil spirit, also DEMONIC, DEMONICAL.
DISCLAMATIONdisclamation n. The act of disclaiming or something disclaimed.
disclamation n. A renunciation.
DISCLAMATION n. the act of disclaiming.
GEODYNAMICALgeodynamical adj. Of or pertaining to geodynamics.
GEODYNAMICAL adj. related to geodynamics, the study of the dynamic processes and forces within the earth.
LAMPADOMANCYlampadomancy n. Divination by the interpretation of the flame of a lamp. A type of pyromancy.
LAMPADOMANCY n. divination using the flame of a torch.
LAUNDRYWOMANlaundrywoman n. A woman employed to wash clothes.
LAUNDRYWOMAN n. a woman who washes clothes for a living.
LOADSAMONEYSloadsamoneys n. Plural of loadsamoney.
LOADSAMONEY n. wealth accumulated as a result of the economic boom of the 1980s.
LOADSAMONIESLOADSAMONEY n. wealth accumulated as a result of the economic boom of the 1980s.
MARTELLANDOSMARTELLANDO n. (Italian) the act of playing the violin with a hammering touch, or with short quick detached movements of the bow.
QUADRINOMIALquadrinomial adj. Consisting of four names or parts or terms.
quadrinomial n. (Algebra) An expression consisting of four terms.
QUADRINOMIAL n. an expression of four terms.
SALAMANDROIDsalamandroid adj. Like a salamander.
salamandroid n. Any salamander of the suborder Salamandroidea.
SALAMANDROID adj. like a salamander.
SUBABDOMINALsubabdominal adj. (Anatomy) Beneath the abdomen.
SUBABDOMINAL adj. relating to the lower abdomen.
ZALAMBDODONTzalambdodont adj. (Zoology) Having teeth with two ridges that meet at an angle, forming the letter lambda.
zalambdodont n. A creature with teeth of this kind.
ZALAMBDODONT adj. having molar teeth with V-shaped ridges, as some Insectivora do.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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