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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 2A, D, H, 2N and R

BANDERSNATCHBandersnatch prop.n. An obscure fictional creature mentioned in two of Lewis Carroll’s poems.
BANDERSNATCH n. an imaginary wild animal of fierce disposition.
CANTHARIDIANcantharidian adj. Composed of cantharides.
CANTHARIDIAN adj. of or like a cantharid, also CANTHARIDAL, CANTHARIDIC.
CANTHARIDINScantharidins n. Plural of cantharidin.
CANTHARIDIN n. a bitter crystalline compound that is the active blister-producing ingredient of cantharides.
CHANGEAROUNDCHANGEAROUND n. the act of changing to a different position, also CHANGEROUND.
CRANKHANDLESCRANKHANDLE n. a handle for starting a motor.
FARTHINGLANDfarthingland n. An old Scots unit of measure of land.
FARTHINGLAND n. a varying area of land.
HANDCRAFTINGhandcrafting v. Present participle of handcraft.
HANDCRAFT v. to fashion by hand.
HANSARDISINGHANSARDISE v. to confront someone with his or her previously recorded opinions, also HANSARDIZE.
HANSARDIZINGHansardizing v. Present participle of Hansardize.
HANSARDIZE v. to confront someone with his or her previously recorded opinions, also HANSARDISE.
HARDSTANDINGhardstanding n. Alternative form of hardstand.
HARDSTANDING n. a hard surface on which cars, aircraft etc. may stand, also HARDSTAND.
NEANDERTHALSneanderthals n. Plural of neanderthal.
Neanderthals n. Plural of Neanderthal.
NEANDERTHAL n. (German) a primitive or reactionary person, also NEANDERTAL, NEANDERTALER, NEANDERTHALER.
NONHAZARDOUSnonhazardous adj. Not hazardous; safe.
non-hazardous adj. Alternative form of nonhazardous.
NONHAZARDOUS adj. not hazardous.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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