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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2A, D, H, 2I and P

ADIAPHORISMSADIAPHORISM n. tolerance or indifference, esp. in the matters of religion.
ADIAPHORISTSadiaphorists n. Plural of adiaphorist.
ADIAPHORIST n. an adherent of adiaphorism, the doctrine of theological indifference or latitudinarianism.
ADMIRALSHIPSadmiralships n. Plural of admiralship.
ADMIRALSHIP n. the office of admiral.
ANAPHRODISIAanaphrodisia n. (Medicine) Lack of desire for sex.
ANAPHRODISIA n. lessening of sexual desire.
APHRODISIACSaphrodisiacs n. Plural of aphrodisiac.
APHRODISIAC n. an agent (as a food or drug) that arouses or is held to arouse sexual desire.
CARDINALSHIPcardinalship n. The office (or term of office) of a cardinal.
CARDINALSHIP n. the office of cardinal.
DIAPHRAGMINGdiaphragming v. Present participle of diaphragm.
DIAPHRAGM v. to fit with a diaphragm.
DIAPOPHYSIALdiapophysial adj. (Anatomy) Relating to the diapophysis.
DIAPOPHYSIAL adj. of or like a diapophysis, a dorsal transverse process of a vertebra.
GUARDIANSHIPguardianship n. The office or position of one acting as a guardian or conservator, especially in a legal capacity.
GUARDIANSHIP n. the office of guardian.
HANDICAPPINGhandicapping v. Present participle of handicap.
handicapping n. The imposition of a handicap.
HANDICAP v. to impose special disadvantages on.
PAEDOPHILIACpaedophiliac n. A person who is sexually attracted to children; a paedophile.
paedophiliac adj. Relating to paedophilia or to a paedophile.
pædophiliac adj. Alternative spelling of paedophiliac.
PAEDOPHILIASpaedophilias n. Plural of paedophilia.
PAEDOPHILIA n. the sexual love of children.
RADIOGRAPHICradiographic adj. Of or pertaining to radiography.
RADIOGRAPHIC adj. relating to radiography.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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