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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, P, 2T and Y

ANAPTYCTICALanaptyctical adj. Relating to anaptyxis.
ANAPTYCTICAL adj. relating to anaptyxis, the insertion of a vowel between two consonants for ease of pronunciation, also ANAPTYCTIC.
ANTICIPATORYanticipatory adj. Characterized by anticipation.
ANTICIPATORY adj. in anticipation.
APOCALYPTISTapocalyptist n. One who predicts an apocalypse.
APOCALYPTIST n. the writer of an apocalypse.
ASYMPTOMATICasymptomatic adj. (Pathology) Not exhibiting any symptoms of disease, as for example in subclinical cases.
asymptomatic n. A patient who exhibits no symptoms of disease.
ASYMPTOMATIC adj. having, displaying or producing no symptoms.
ASYMPTOTICALasymptotical adj. Asymptotic.
ASYMPTOTICAL adj. of a line, approaching a curve but meeting it only at infinity, also ASYMPTOTIC.
AUTOPTICALLYautoptically adv. By means of ocular view, or one’s own observation.
AUTOPTICAL adv. based on personal observation, as autoptic testimony, also AUTOPTIC.
CAPITULATORYcapitulatory adj. Serving to capitulate or surrender.
CAPITULATORY adj. of the nature of capitulation.
CHARTERPARTYcharterparty n. A contract between a shipowner and a merchant, under which a ship is hired for the conveyance of goods etc.
CHARTERPARTY n. the common written form in which a contract of affreightment is expressed.
CRYPTANALYSTcryptanalyst n. An expert in analyzing and breaking codes and ciphers.
CRYPTANALYST n. one who deciphers codes.
HYPOSTATICALhypostatical adj. Hypostatic.
HYPOSTATICAL adj. relating to hypostasis, also HYPOSTATIC.
PATHETICALLYpathetically adv. In a pathetic manner; piteously.
PATHETICAL adv. arousing pity, also PATHETIC.
PENTADACTYLEpentadactyle adj. Alternative form of pentadactyl.
PENTADACTYLE adj. having five fingers or toes to each hand or foot, also PENTADACTYLIC, PENTADACTYLOUS.
PENTADACTYLE n. a pentadactyle animal, also PENTADACTYL.
PENTADACTYLYpentadactyly n. The condition of having five digits (fingers or toes) on a limb.
PENTADACTYLY n. the state of being pentadactyl, having five fingers.
PRACTICALITYpracticality n. (Uncountable) The state of being practical or feasible.
practicality n. (Countable, usually in the plural) The practical aspect of something.
PRACTICALITY n. the state of being practical.
PYROTARTARICpyrotartaric adj. (Chemistry) of, or relating to pyrotartaric acid or its derivatives.
PYROTARTARIC adj. as in pyrotartaric acid.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 51 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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