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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, N, R and 2U

ACUPUNCTURALacupunctural adj. Relating to acupuncture.
ACUPUNCTURAL adj. relating to acupuncture.
ANTICULTURALanticultural adj. Opposing mainstream culture or culture in general.
ANTICULTURAL adj. opposed to culture.
AVUNCULARITYavuncularity n. The condition of being avuncular.
avuncularity n. The condition of being an uncle. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
AVUNCULARITY n. the state of being avuncular.
CARUNCULATEDcarunculated adj. Alternative form of carunculate.
GUBERNACULARgubernacular adj. Relating to the gubernaculum.
GUBERNACULAR adj. relating to the gubernaculum, in mammals, the cord supporting the testicles in the scrotal sac.
MANUFACTURALmanufactural adj. Of or relating to manufacture.
MANUFACTURAL adj. relating to manufacture.
MANUFACTUREDmanufactured adj. Manmade; produced by humans rather than nature.
manufactured adj. (By extension) not genuine; contrived.
manufactured v. Simple past tense and past participle of manufacture.
MANUFACTURERmanufacturer n. A person or company that manufactures.
MANUFACTURER n. one that manufactures.
MANUFACTURESmanufactures n. Plural of manufacture.
manufactures v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of manufacture.
MANUFACTURE v. to make into a product suitable for use.
SUBARCUATIONSUBARCUATION n. the state of being subarcuate, somewhat arched.
SUPERNACULARsupernacular adj. (Obsolete, humorous, of alcoholic drink) Of outstanding quality; that one would wish to drink to the last drop.
SUPERNACULAR adj. very good; first rate.
UNARTICULATEunarticulate adj. Synonym of inarticulate.
UNARTICULATE adj. not articulate, also INARTICULATE.
UNCAPTURABLEuncapturable adj. Not capturable; not able to be captured.
UNCAPTURABLE adj. that cannot be captured.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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