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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, M, 2O and P

AICHMOPHOBIAaichmophobia n. The fear of needles and other pointed or sharp objects.
AICHMOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of sharp or pointed objects.
APOCHROMATICapochromatic adj. (Optics) Corrected for both chromatic aberration and spherical aberration.
APOCHROMATIC adj. free from chromatic and spherical aberration.
ASTROCOMPASSastrocompass n. A form of compass in which direction is evaluated by sighting stars of known position.
ASTROCOMPASS n. a navigational instrument for giving directional bearings from the centre of the earth to a particular star.
CHROMATOPSIAchromatopsia n. A visual aberration in which objects appear abnormally coloured, such as xanthopsia or cyanopia.
CHROMATOPSIA n. coloured vision.
COMPANIONATEcompanionate adj. (Now historical) Designating a proposed type of marriage (or other partnership) in which the partners…
companionate adj. Friendly, companionable.
companionate adj. Pertaining to a (chiefly romantic) relationship that emphasises companionship and mutual respect.
COMPANIONWAYcompanionway n. (Nautical) a staircase or ladder from one deck to another on a ship.
COMPANIONWAY n. the stairs from upper deck of ship to lower deck.
COMPLANATIONCOMPLANATION n. the state of being flattened.
MACROPHAGOUSmacrophagous adj. (Zoology) That feeds on relatively large particles or prey.
MACROPHAGOUS adj. of an animal, feeding on relatively large particles of food.
OMPHALOMANCYomphalomancy n. Divination by means of a child’s navel, to learn how many children the mother may have.
OMPHALOMANCY n. predicting the number of children a mother will bear by counting the knots in her firstborn's umbilical cord.
PARONOMASTICparonomastic adj. Of, or relating to paronomasia; punning.
PARONOMASTIC adj. relating to paronomasia, play on words, also PARONOMASTICAL.
PHARMACOLOGYpharmacology n. (Medicine) The science of drugs including their origin, composition, pharmacokinetics, therapeutic use…
pharmacology n. (Medicine) The properties and reactions of drugs especially with relation to their therapeutic value.
PHARMACOLOGY n. the study of drugs.
POTICHOMANIApotichomania n. A process in which the inside of a glass vessel is painted or etched.
POTICHOMANIA n. a craze for imitating Oriental porcelain.
PROCLAMATIONproclamation n. A statement which is proclaimed; formal public announcement.
PROCLAMATION n. the action of proclaiming.
PROCLAMATORYproclamatory adj. In the manner of a proclamation.
PROCLAMATORY adj. of the nature of a proclamation.
TAPHONOMICALtaphonomical adj. Alternative form of taphonomic.
TAPHONOMICAL adj. relating to taphonomy, also TAPHONOMIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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