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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, L, N, R and V

ACRIFLAVINESacriflavines n. Plural of acriflavine.
ACRIFLAVINE n. an antiseptic, also ACRIFLAVIN.
AVUNCULARITYavuncularity n. The condition of being avuncular.
avuncularity n. The condition of being an uncle. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
AVUNCULARITY n. the state of being avuncular.
CLAIRVOYANCEclairvoyance n. (Parapsychology) The power to see the future.
clairvoyance n. Acute intuitive insight or perceptiveness; sagacity.
CLAIRVOYANCE n. the power of seeing things removed in time or space, also CLAIRVOYANCY.
CLAIRVOYANCYclairvoyancy n. (Nonstandard) Clairvoyance.
CLAIRVOYANCY n. the power of seeing things removed in time or space, also CLAIRVOYANCE.
CLAIRVOYANTSclairvoyants n. Plural of clairvoyant.
CLAIRVOYANT n. one who is clairvoyant.
INCARVILLEASINCARVILLEA n. any plant of the genus Incarvillea, of the family Bignoniaceae typically having trumpet-shaped flowers borne in clusters on erect stems.
OVERBALANCEDoverbalanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of overbalance.
OVERBALANCE v. to topple over.
OVERBALANCESoverbalances v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overbalance.
OVERBALANCE v. to topple over.
RENOVASCULARrenovascular adj. Of or pertaining to the blood vessels of the kidney.
RENOVASCULAR adj. of, relating to, or involving the blood vessels of the kidneys.
TETRAVALENCEtetravalence n. The condition of being tetravalent.
TETRAVALENCE n. the condition of having a valency of four, also TETRAVALENCY.
TETRAVALENCYtetravalency n. Tetravalence.
TETRAVALENCY n. the state of being tetravalent, also TETRAVALENCE.
VERNACULARLYvernacularly adv. In a vernacular way.
VERNACULAR adv. indigenous, native, spoken by the people of the country or of one's own country.
VOCABULARIANvocabularian n. One who cultivates a large vocabulary.
VOCABULARIAN n. a person much, or too much, concerned with words.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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