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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, G, 2M and S

CALLIGRAMMESCALLIGRAMME n. a design using the letters of a word, also CALLIGRAM.
CHASMOGAMIESCHASMOGAMY n. the opening of a flower in order to be fertilized.
CHASMOGAMOUSchasmogamous adj. Exhibiting chasmogamy.
CHASMOGAMOUS adj. relating to chasmogamy, the opening of a flower in order to be fertilized, also CHASMOGAMIC.
GRAMMATICISEgrammaticise v. Non-Oxford standard spelling of grammaticize.
GRAMMATICISE v. to make grammatical, also GRAMMATICIZE.
GRAMMATICISMgrammaticism n. (Dated) A point or principle of grammar.
GRAMMATICISM n. a point of grammar.
MACADAMISINGmacadamising v. Present participle of macadamise.
MACADAMISE v. to cover a road with small broken stones, also MACADAMIZE.
MACROGAMETESmacrogametes n. Plural of macrogamete.
MACROGAMETE n. the larger and usually female gamete of a heterogamous organism, also MEGAGAMETE.
MARCONIGRAMSmarconigrams n. Plural of marconigram.
MARCONIGRAM n. a message sent by wireless telegraphy.
MATCHMAKINGSmatchmakings n. Plural of matchmaking.
match-makings n. Plural of match-making.
MATCHMAKING n. the business of bringing suitable people together for marriage.
MICROMANAGESmicromanages v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of micromanage.
MICROMANAGE v. to manage at a detailed level.
PRAGMATICISMpragmaticism n. A Peircean philosophy based on strict logic, the immutability of truth, the reality of infinity, and…
PRAGMATICISM n. the philosophic doctrine of C. S. Peirce.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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