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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 16 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, E and 3R

AVERRUNCATORaverruncator n. An instrument for pruning trees, consisting of two blades, or a blade and a hook, fixed on the end of a long rod.
AVERRUNCATOR n. an instrument (on a pole) for pruning trees.
BALLCARRIERSballcarriers n. Plural of ballcarrier.
ball␣carriers n. Plural of ball carrier.
BALLCARRIER n. one who carries a ball.
CARDSHARPERScardsharpers n. Plural of cardsharper Alternative form of cardsharps.
CARDSHARPER n. one who engages in sharp practice at cards, also CARDSHARP.
CARTOGRAPHERcartographer n. One who makes maps or charts.
CARTOGRAPHER n. one who makes maps, also CHARTOGRAPHER.
CHAIRWARMERSchairwarmers n. Plural of chairwarmer.
CHAIRWARMER n. an office holder, committee member, or employee who is inactive and ineffective.
CHARTERPARTYcharterparty n. A contract between a shipowner and a merchant, under which a ship is hired for the conveyance of goods etc.
CHARTERPARTY n. the common written form in which a contract of affreightment is expressed.
FORECARRIAGEforecarriage n. The forward part of the running gear of a four-wheeled carriage.
FORECARRIAGE n. the front part of a carriage, with an arrangement for independent movement of the fore-wheels.
INCARCERATORincarcerator n. A person who incarcerates.
INCARCERATOR n. one who incarcerates.
PARARESCUERSpararescuers n. Plural of pararescuer.
PREVARICATORprevaricator n. One who prevaricates.
prevaricator n. (Historical) An orator at the University of Cambridge fulfilling a similar function to the terrae filius at Oxford.
PREVARICATOR n. one who prevaricates.
RACETRACKERSracetrackers n. Plural of racetracker.
RACETRACKER n. one who attends a racetrack.
RADIOTRACERSradiotracers n. Plural of radiotracer.
RADIOTRACER n. a radioactive tracer.
REFRACTARIESREFRACTARY n. a substance that is able to resist high temperatures, etc., used in lining furnaces, etc.
SCRAPERBOARDscraperboard n. (Art) scratchboard.
SCRAPERBOARD n. a clay-surface board on which drawings can be made by scraping tints off as well as applying them.
SPEARCARRIERspear-carrier n. Alternative form of spear carrier.
spear␣carrier n. (Acting) A person in a play or movie with a minimal part; an extra.
spear␣carrier n. (Idiomatic, by extension) One who serves in a subordinate or menial role.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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