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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, E, H, R and U

ALPHANUMERICalphanumeric adj. Consisting of, or limited to, letters and/or numbers, especially the characters A to Z (lowercase and…
alphanumeric adj. Consisting of these characters plus punctuation and other special characters.
alphanumeric n. An alphanumeric character.
AUTOCHANGERSautochangers n. Plural of autochanger.
AUTOCHANGER n. a device by means of which records are dropped from a stack one at a time onto the turntable.
CERAUNOGRAPHceraunograph n. A device for measuring lightning discharges.
CERAUNOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording thunderstorms by detecting the radio waves generated, also KERAUNOGRAPH.
CHANGEAROUNDCHANGEAROUND n. the act of changing to a different position, also CHANGEROUND.
CHARACTERFULcharacterful adj. Full of character.
CHARACTERFUL adj. full of character.
CHARTULARIESchartularies n. Plural of chartulary.
CHARTULARY n. a collection of deeds and titles to estate or monastery.
HARUSPICATEDharuspicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of haruspicate.
HARUSPICATE v. to foretell by inspection of animals' entrails.
HARUSPICATESharuspicates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of haruspicate.
HARUSPICATE v. to foretell by inspection of animals' entrails.
MOUCHARABIESmoucharabies n. Plural of moucharaby.
MOUCHARABY n. (Arabic) in North Africa, an external balcony enclosed with latticework.
PHARMACEUTICpharmaceutic adj. Pharmaceutical.
PHARMACEUTIC adj. relating to the knowledge or art of preparing medicines, also PHARMACEUTICAL.
SCARAMOUCHEDSCARAMOUCH v. to behave like a rascal or cowardly fool.
SCARAMOUCHESSCARAMOUCH v. to behave like a rascal or cowardly fool.
SQUIREARCHALsquirearchal adj. Of or pertaining to squirearchy.
TAUROMACHIEStauromachies n. Plural of tauromachy.
TAUROMACHY n. the art of bullfighting.
TRANSHUMANCEtranshumance n. The seasonal movement of people, with their cattle or other grazing animals, to new pastures which may…
TRANSHUMANCE n. the movement of livestock and herders to different pasturage with the changing of the seasons.
UNAPPROACHEDunapproached adj. Not approached.
UNAPPROACHED adj. not approached.
UNBREACHABLEunbreachable adj. Impossible to breach.
UNBREACHABLE adj. that cannot be breached.
UNCHARITABLEuncharitable adj. Not charitable.
UNCHARITABLE adj. lacking in charity.
UNSEARCHABLEunsearchable adj. That cannot be investigated or searched into; unknowable, inscrutable.
unsearchable adj. That cannot be sought out or looked for.
unsearchable adj. (Computing, Internet) Not capable of being searched; on which one cannot perform a search.
UNSEARCHABLYunsearchably adv. So as to preclude searching.
UNSEARCHABLE adv. not capable of being searched or explored.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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