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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 17 twelve-letter words containing 2A, C, D, N, P and R

APPENDICULARappendicular adj. Of or pertaining to a limb or appendage.
appendicular adj. Of or pertaining to the appendix.
APPENDICULAR adj. of or relating to an appendage and esp. a limb.
CARDINALSHIPcardinalship n. The office (or term of office) of a cardinal.
CARDINALSHIP n. the office of cardinal.
CARDSHARPINGcardsharping n. The trickery used by a cardsharp to cheat in card games.
CARDSHARPING n. cheating by a professional cardsharp.
CLAPBOARDINGclapboarding v. Present participle of clapboard.
CLAPBOARD v. to cover with clapboard.
HANDICAPPERShandicappers n. Plural of handicapper.
HANDICAPPER n. a person who assigns handicaps.
HYDNOCARPATEHYDNOCARPATE n. any salt or ester of hydnocarpic acid.
PACHYSANDRASpachysandras n. Plural of pachysandra.
PACHYSANDRA n. (Greek) a Japanese tree with evergreen leaves.
PARASCENDERSparascenders n. Plural of parascender.
PARASCENDER n. a person who takes part in parascending.
PARASCENDINGparascending n. Parasailing.
PARASCENDING n. a sport similar to paragliding, the participant being towed into the wind behind a motor vehicle.
PEDANTOCRACYpedantocracy n. Government by pedants.
PEDANTOCRACY n. government by pedants or strict rule-bound scholars.
PEDANTOCRATSpedantocrats n. Plural of pedantocrat.
PEDANTOCRAT n. a member of the pedantocracy.
PEDIATRICIANpediatrician n. (American spelling) A physician that specializes in pediatrics; the medical care of infants, children…
PEDIATRICIAN n. a specialist in pediatrics.
QUADRAPHONICquadraphonic adj. (Of a sound system) Employing four independent channels or speakers.
QUADRAPHONIC adj. of, relating to, or using four channels for the transmission, recording, or reproduction of sound, also QUADRIPHONIC, QUADROPHONIC.
RELANDSCAPEDrelandscaped v. Simple past tense and past participle of relandscape.
RELANDSCAPE v. to landscape again.
RELANDSCAPESrelandscapes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of relandscape.
RELANDSCAPE v. to landscape again.
TRYPANOCIDALtrypanocidal adj. That is destructive to trypanosomes.
TRYPANOCIDAL adj. relating to a trypanocide, a drug that kills trypanosomes.
UNAPPROACHEDunapproached adj. Not approached.
UNAPPROACHED adj. not approached.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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