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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 19 twelve-letter words containing 2A, 2C, M, O and P

ACCOMPANIERSaccompaniers n. Plural of accompanier.
ACCOMPANIER n. one who accompanies.
ACCOMPANISTSaccompanists n. Plural of accompanist.
ACCOMPANIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANYIST.
ACCOMPANYINGaccompanying adj. Present together.
accompanying v. Present participle of accompany.
accompanying n. That which accompanies; accompaniment.
ACCOMPANYISTaccompanyist n. Alternative spelling of accompanist.
ACCOMPANYIST n. one who accompanies another, also ACCOMPANIST.
APOCHROMATICapochromatic adj. (Optics) Corrected for both chromatic aberration and spherical aberration.
APOCHROMATIC adj. free from chromatic and spherical aberration.
ARCHOPLASMICARCHOPLASMIC adj. relating to archoplasm, the protoplasmic material surrounding the centrosome.
CAPNOMANCIESCAPNOMANCY n. divination by means of smoke.
CAPROLACTAMScaprolactams n. Plural of caprolactam.
CAPROLACTAM n. a white crystalline cyclic amide used esp. in making one type of nylon.
CLEPTOMANIACcleptomaniac n. Alternative spelling of kleptomaniac.
CLEPTOMANIAC n. a person having an obsessive urge to steal, also KLEPTO, KLEPTOMANIAC.
COMPEARANCEScompearances n. Plural of compearance.
COMPEARANCE n. the state of being a compearant.
COMPLAISANCEcomplaisance n. The quality of being complaisant, amiable or agreeable.
COMPLAISANCE n. wishing to please or tending to comply with the wishes of others.
HYPOCALCEMIAhypocalcemia n. (Biology, medicine) The condition of having an abnormally low concentration of calcium ions in the blood.
HYPOCALCEMIA n. a deficiency of calcium in the blood, also HYPOCALCAEMIA.
MACROCEPHALYmacrocephaly n. (Medicine) A condition in which the head is abnormally large.
macrocephaly n. (Geography) The excessive concentration of population and development in a single centre, to the detriment…
MACROCEPHALY n. largeness, or abnormal largeness, of the head.
MACROGRAPHICmacrographic adj. Of or relating to macrography.
MACROGRAPHIC adj. of or like a macrograph, a photograph, drawing, etc. in which an object appears as large as or several times larger than the original.
PANCHROMATICpanchromatic adj. (Photography, of black and white film) sensitive to all visible colours.
panchromatic adj. (Digital imaging) sensitive to a wide range of wavelengths of light, typically most of the visible spectrum.
PANCHROMATIC adj. of photographic film, sensitive to all colours.
PSYCHOMACHIApsychomachia n. Psychomachy.
PSYCHOMACHIA n. conflict of the soul.
SARCOPLASMICsarcoplasmic adj. (Anatomy) Of or pertaining to the sarcoplasm.
SARCOPLASMIC adj. relating to sarcoplasm, the protoplasmic substance separating the fibrils in muscle fibres.
SCAPULOMANCYscapulomancy n. Alternative form of scapulimancy.
SCAPULOMANCY n. divination involving a shoulder blade which has been charred or cracked from a fire, also SCAPULIMANCY.
ULTRACOMPACTultracompact adj. Extremely compact; of utmost compactness.
ULTRACOMPACT adj. extremely compact.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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