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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 2A, 2C, 2L and U

ACOUSTICALLYacoustically adv. (Manner) In an acoustic manner, or using an acoustic musical instrument.
acoustically adv. (Domain) From the perspective of acoustics.
ACOUSTICAL adv. relating to the science of sound, also ACOUSTIC.
CALCAREOUSLYcalcareously adv. In a calcareous manner.
CALCAREOUS adv. chalky; of or containing calcium carbonate.
CALCULATEDLYcalculatedly adv. In a calculated manner.
CALCULATED adv. CALCULATE, to count or reckon.
CALCULATIONScalculations n. Plural of calculation.
CALCULATION n. the process or an act of calculating.
CANALICULATEcanaliculate adj. (Botany) Channeled lengthwise; grooved.
CANALICULATE adj. grooved or channelled lengthwise, also CANALICULATED.
CAPILLACEOUScapillaceous adj. Resembling hair.
capillaceous adj. Having hair-like filaments.
CAPILLACEOUS adj. hairlike.
CHUCKAWALLASchuckawallas n. Plural of chuckawalla.
CHUCKAWALLA n. (Spanish) an iguanid lizard of Mexico and the southwestern US, also CHUCKWALLA.
CIRCULATABLEcirculatable adj. Capable of being circulated.
CIRCULATABLE adj. capable of being circulated, also CIRCULABLE.
CONTACTUALLYCONTACTUAL adv. relating to contact.
CORALLACEOUScorallaceous adj. Having the characteristics or qualities of coral.
CORALLACEOUS adj. like, or having the qualities of, coral.
DYSCALCULIASdyscalculias n. Plural of dyscalculia.
DYSCALCULIA n. the inability to calculate correctly, also ACALCULIA.
FASCICULARLYfascicularly adv. Having, or in terms of, fascicles.
INCALCULABLEincalculable adj. (Not comparable) Too much, too vast, or too numerous to enable computation.
incalculable adj. (Not comparable, mathematics) Impossible to calculate.
incalculable adj. (Comparable) Of a person’s mood or character, etc.: impossible to predict.
INCALCULABLYincalculably adv. In an incalculable manner.
INCALCULABLE adv. not capable of being calculated.
MISCALCULATEmiscalculate v. To calculate incorrectly.
miscalculate v. To make a gross error in judgement.
MISCALCULATE v. to calculate wrongly.
RECALCULATEDrecalculated v. Simple past tense and past participle of recalculate.
RECALCULATE v. to calculate again.
RECALCULATESrecalculates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of recalculate.
RECALCULATE v. to calculate again.
UNCALCULATEDuncalculated adj. Not calculated; lacking forethought.
UNCALCULATED adj. not planned or thought out beforehand.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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