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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 15 twelve-letter words containing 2A, B, M, O and 2R

BAROMETRICALbarometrical adj. (Archaic) Relating to, or observed with, a barometer, barometric.
BAROMETRICAL adj. as measured by a barometer, also BAROMETRIC.
BAROTRAUMATABAROTRAUMA n. injury sustained from failure to equalize the pressure of an air-containing space with that of the surrounding environment.
DERMABRASIONdermabrasion n. A cosmetic medical procedure in which the surface of the epidermis of the skin is removed by abrasion…
DERMABRASION n. surgical removal of skin blemishes or imperfections (as scars or tattoos) by abrasion.
EMBARCADEROSembarcaderos n. Plural of embarcadero.
EMBARCADERO n. a landing place esp. on an inland waterway.
FIBROSARCOMAfibrosarcoma n. (Oncology) A fibroblastic sarcoma: a malignant tumor derived from fibrous connective tissue.
FIBROSARCOMA n. a sarcoma formed of spindle-shaped cells in collagenous fibrils.
HARBORMASTERharbormaster n. (US, nautical) An official responsible for the enforcement of regulations in a port.
harbor␣master n. Alternative spelling of harbormaster.
HARBORMASTER n. one in charge of a harbour.
IAMBOGRAPHERiambographer n. A poet who writes iambic verse.
IAMBOGRAPHER n. one who writes in iambics.
MASTURBATORSmasturbators n. Plural of masturbator.
MASTURBATOR n. one who masturbates.
MASTURBATORYmasturbatory adj. Of or relating to masturbation.
masturbatory adj. Excessively self-absorbed or self-indulgent.
MASTURBATORY adj. of, relating to, or involving masturbation.
MIXOBARBARICmixo-barbaric adj. (Archaic) Mixed with barbarous elements.
MIXOBARBARIC adj. part barbaric, part Greek.
MORTARBOARDSmortarboards n. Plural of mortarboard.
MORTARBOARD n. a square-topped college cap.
PERAMBULATORperambulator n. (Britain) A baby carriage.
perambulator n. One who perambulates.
perambulator n. A surveyor’s instrument for measuring distances, consisting of a wheel that rolls over the ground, along…
PROGRAMMABLEprogrammable adj. Capable of being programmed.
programmable n. A calculator that allows the user to write programs.
PROGRAMMABLE adj. that can be programmed, also PROGRAMABLE.
RHABDOMANCERrhabdomancer n. One who carries out rhabdomancy; the user of a divining rod.
RHABDOMANCER n. one who practises rhabdomancy.
SEMIARBOREALsemiarboreal adj. (Of a creature) Which sometimes dwells in trees.
SEMIARBOREAL adj. often inhabiting and frequenting trees but not completely arboreal.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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