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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 11 twelve-letter words containing 2A, B, H, I, M and O

AICHMOPHOBIAaichmophobia n. The fear of needles and other pointed or sharp objects.
AICHMOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of sharp or pointed objects.
ANEMOPHOBIASANEMOPHOBIA n. the fear of wind or draughts.
HAEMOPHOBIASHAEMOPHOBIA n. an irrational fear of blood.
HARMONISABLEharmonisable adj. Alternative form of harmonizable.
HARMONISABLE adj. that can be harmonised, also HARMONIZABLE.
HARMONIZABLEharmonizable adj. That can be harmonized.
HARMONIZABLE adj. capable of being harmonized, also HARMONISABLE.
IAMBOGRAPHERiambographer n. A poet who writes iambic verse.
IAMBOGRAPHER n. one who writes in iambics.
MARIMBAPHONEmarimbaphone n. (Obsolete, music) A kind of percussion idiophone, like the marimba, but with either wooden or steel…
MARIMBAPHONE n. a marimba.
MICROHABITATmicrohabitat n. A specific habitat, typically extremely small, such as a cave corner or a cardboard box.
MICROHABITAT n. the microenvironment in which an organism lives.
MOUCHARABIESmoucharabies n. Plural of moucharaby.
MOUCHARABY n. (Arabic) in North Africa, an external balcony enclosed with latticework.
THINGAMABOBSthingamabobs n. Plural of thingamabob.
THINGAMABOB n. a whatsit.
WHATABOUTISMwhataboutism n. A propaganda technique where criticisms are deflected by raising corresponding criticisms of the opposite side.
WHATABOUTISM n. (Of two communities in conflict) the practice of repeatedly raising grievances from the past during negotiations.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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