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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2A, B, E and 3L

BALLETICALLYballetically adv. In a balletic way.
BALLETIC adv. relating to ballet.
BICOLLATERALbicollateral adj. (Biology, of a vascular bundle) Having phloem on each side of the xylem.
BICOLLATERAL adj. of a vascular bundle, having two phloem groups to the inside and outside, respectively, of the xylem.
BIFLAGELLATEbiflagellate adj. (Biology) Having two flagella.
biflagellate n. Any organism that has two flagella.
BIFLAGELLATE adj. having two flagella.
DECASYLLABLEdecasyllable n. A verse form having ten syllables in each line.
DECASYLLABLE n. a line with ten syllables.
DISALLOWABLEdisallowable adj. Able to be disallowed.
disallowable adj. Not allowable; not to be suffered or permitted; which should not be allowed.
DISALLOWABLE adj. that can be disallowed.
FLABELLATIONflabellation n. The act of keeping cool by use of a fan or fan-like instrument.
FLABELLATION n. the act of fanning.
GALLBLADDERSgallbladders n. Plural of gallbladder.
gall␣bladders n. Plural of gall bladder.
GALLBLADDER n. a membranous muscular sac in which bile from the liver is stored.
INAPPELLABLEinappellable adj. That cannot be appealed against.
INAPPELLABLE adj. incapable of being appealed against or challenged.
INCALCULABLEincalculable adj. (Not comparable) Too much, too vast, or too numerous to enable computation.
incalculable adj. (Not comparable, mathematics) Impossible to calculate.
incalculable adj. (Comparable) Of a person’s mood or character, etc.: impossible to predict.
MALLEABILITYmalleability n. The quality or state of being malleable.
malleability n. The property by virtue of which a material can be extended in all directions without rupture by the…
malleability n. (Cryptography) a property of a cryptographic algorithms in which an adversary can alter a ciphertext…
NONMALLEABLEnonmalleable adj. Not malleable.
NONMALLEABLE adj. not malleable.
ULTRALIBERALultraliberal adj. Extremely liberal.
ultraliberal n. A person of extremely liberal politics.
ULTRALIBERAL n. one who is extremely liberal in politics.
UNRECALLABLEunrecallable adj. Impossible to recall.
UNRECALLABLE adj. not recallable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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