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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 2A, B, 2C, I and R

ACCREDITABLEaccreditable adj. Able to be accredited.
ACCREDITABLE adj. capable of being accredited.
AMPHIBRACHICamphibrachic adj. Consisting of amphibrachs, metrical feet consisting of either a long syllable between two that are short…
AMPHIBRACHIC adj. of or like an amphibrach, a foot of three syllables, the middle one long, the first and last short.
BACKTRACKINGbacktracking n. (Countable, uncountable) The act of one who, or that which, backtracks; a retracing of one’s steps.
backtracking n. (Aviation) The usage of a runway as a taxiway, especially at private strips and smaller airports.
backtracking n. (Computer science) The act of building all possible solutions to a problem incrementally, abandoning…
BACTERICIDALbactericidal adj. That kills bacteria.
bactericidal adj. Of or pertaining to a bactericide.
bactericidal n. A bactericide.
BRADYCARDIACbradycardiac adj. Of, pertaining to or afflicted with bradycardia.
BRADYCARDIAC adj. having an abnormally low rate of heartbeat.
BUREAUCRATICbureaucratic adj. Of or pertaining to bureaucracy or the actions of bureaucrats.
BUREAUCRATIC adj. of, relating to, or having the characteristics of a bureaucracy or a bureaucrat.
CANCERPHOBIAcancerphobia n. Inordinate dread of developing cancer.
CANCERPHOBIA n. fear of cancer, also CANCEROPHOBIA.
CIRCULATABLEcirculatable adj. Capable of being circulated.
CIRCULATABLE adj. capable of being circulated, also CIRCULABLE.
CRACKBRAINEDcrackbrained adj. Idiotic.
CRACKBRAINED adj. of or like a crackbrain, a crazy person.
MICROBALANCEmicrobalance n. Any balance capable of weighing objects having a mass less than a milligram.
MICROBALANCE n. a balance designed to measure very small weights.
MOBOCRATICALmobocratical adj. Of or pertaining to mobocracy.
MOBOCRATICAL adj. relating to mobocracy, government by mobs or crowds, also MOBOCRATIC.
MYCOBACTERIAmycobacteria n. Plural of mycobacterium.
MYCOBACTERIUM n. any of a genus of bacteria that includes the pathogens causing tuberculosis and leprosy.
SUBANTARCTICsubantarctic adj. Pertaining to a region in the Southern Hemisphere immediately north of Antarctica and covering the many…
SUBANTARCTIC adj. of, relating to, characteristic of, or being a region just outside the antarctic circle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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