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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 3A, R, S, T and U

ACCUSATORIALaccusatorial adj. Containing or implying accusation.
accusatorial adj. (Law) Of or pertaining to the system of a public trial in which the facts are ascertained by the judge…
ACCUSATORIAL adj. denoting a judicial procedure in which the judge is not the same person as the prosecutor.
ANTIBARBARUSantibarbarus n. A dictionary of linguistic barbarisms; a book describing how not to write in a given language.
ANTIBARBARUS n. a list of words and sayings to be avoided in the classical usage of a language.
ANTIQUARIANSantiquarians n. Plural of antiquarian.
ANTIQUARIAN n. one who collects or studies antiquities.
AQUALEATHERSAQUALEATHER n. leather made from fishskin.
AVASCULARITYavascularity n. (Anatomy) The condition of being avascular.
AVASCULARITY n. the state of being avascular.
KATHAREVOUSAKatharevousa prop.n. A learned, archaising form of Modern Greek, based on Classical Greek and used for formal and official…
KATHAREVOUSA n. a formal archaizing written form of Modern Greek, based on Ancient Greek.
MANGALSUTRASmangalsutras n. Plural of mangalsutra.
MANGALSUTRA n. a bead necklace worn by a married Hindu woman whose husband is living.
PARAGNATHOUSparagnathous adj. (Zoology) having both mandibles of equal length, with the tips meeting, as in certain birds.
PARAGNATHOUS adj. having equal mandibles.
PARAMENSTRUAPARAMENSTRUUM n. the four days before and the four days after the onset of menstruation.
SALUTATORIANsalutatorian n. (US, education) The person who graduates high school with the second-highest GPA and thus gets to give…
SALUTATORIAN n. the second best student in a graduating class, whose job it is to give an introductory speech.
TRANSNATURALTRANSNATURAL adj. being above or beyond nature.
TRANSURANIANTRANSURANIAN adj. of an element, having an atomic number greater than that of uranium, also TRANSURANIUM.
TRANSVALUATETRANSVALUATE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUE.
TRUSTAFARIANtrustafarian n. (Slang) A young person with the fashion sensibilities of a hippie, or any other countercultural trend…
TRUSTAFARIAN n. an affluent young person who adopts a bohemian lifestyle and unkempt appearance.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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