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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing 3A, L, M, O and P

ANAPLASMOSESanaplasmoses n. Plural of anaplasmosis.
ANAPLASMOSIS n. a tick-borne disease of cattle and sheep.
ANAPLASMOSISanaplasmosis n. A disease of ruminants and sometimes humans caused by infection with Anaplasma bacteria, normally transmitted…
ANAPLASMOSIS n. a tick-borne disease of cattle and sheep.
APLANOGAMETEaplanogamete n. A non-motile gamete found in certain lower algae.
APLANOGAMETE n. a nonmotile gamete.
CAPROLACTAMScaprolactams n. Plural of caprolactam.
CAPROLACTAM n. a white crystalline cyclic amide used esp. in making one type of nylon.
LAMPADOMANCYlampadomancy n. Divination by the interpretation of the flame of a lamp. A type of pyromancy.
LAMPADOMANCY n. divination using the flame of a torch.
MYCOPLASMATAmycoplasmata n. Plural of mycoplasma.
MYCOPLASMA n. a member of the Mycoplasma, a variety of pathogenic agents apparently neither viruses not true bacteria.
PARACETAMOLSparacetamols n. Plural of paracetamol.
PARACETAMOL n. a mild analgesic and antipyretic drug, often recommended instead of aspirin.
PARALIPOMENAparalipomena n. (Literary analysis) The different text variants or text witnesses researched when creating a critical edition.
paralipomena n. Supplementary literary material.
PARALIPOMENON n. a thing added as a supplement to a main text, also PARALEIPOMENON.
PARANORMALLYparanormally adv. In a paranormal way.
PARANORMAL adv. not scientifically explainable.
PETALOMANIASPETALOMANIA n. an abnormal increase in number of petals.
PIROPLASMATApiroplasmata n. Plural of piroplasma.
PIROPLASMA n. a parasite causing cattle fever, aka babesia, also PIROPLASM.
PYROMANIACALpyromaniacal adj. Of or relating to pyromania.
PYROMANIACAL adj. relating to pyromania.
STAPHYLOMATAstaphylomata n. Plural of staphyloma.
STAPHYLOMA n. a protrusion of any part of the globe of the eye; as, a staphyloma of the cornea.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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