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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 3A, G, I, S and T

AGGRADATIONSaggradations n. Plural of aggradation.
AGGRADATION n. the act of aggrading.
AGGRAVATIONSaggravations n. Plural of aggravation.
AGGRAVATION n. an act or circumstance that intensifies or makes worse.
AMPHIGASTRIAAMPHIGASTRIUM n. a scalelike leaf on the ventral side of some liverworts.
ANABAPTISINGanabaptising v. Present participle of anabaptise.
ANABAPTISE v. to rebaptise, also ANABAPTIZE.
ANASTIGMATICanastigmatic adj. (Of the eye, or a lens system) Free from astigmatism.
ANASTIGMATIC adj. free from astigmatism.
ANTIALIASINGantialiasing n. (Computer graphics) any technique that reduces the appearance of jagged edges in digital images caused…
anti-aliasing n. Alternative form of antialiasing.
DISADVANTAGEdisadvantage n. A weakness or undesirable characteristic; a con.
disadvantage n. A setback or handicap.
disadvantage n. Loss; detriment; hindrance.
EGALITARIANSegalitarians n. Plural of egalitarian.
EGALITARIAN n. a believer in egalitarianism.
GALACTOSEMIAgalactosemia n. (Medicine) A genetic metabolic disorder characterized by an inability to metabolize galactose properly.
galactosemia n. The presence of galactose in the blood.
GALACTOSEMIA n. the presence of galactose in the blood, also GALACTOSAEMIA.
GALANTAMINESGALANTAMINE n. a compound, originally derived from flowers, especially daffodils and snowdrops, used as a drug in treating dementia.
GALIMATIASESGALIMATIAS n. (French) nonsensical talk; gibberish.
KOTAHITANGASKOTAHITANGA n. (Maori) unity or solidarity.
MARGRAVIATESmargraviates n. Plural of margraviate.
MARGRAVIATE n. the jurisdiction or position of a margrave, also MARGRAVATE.
METAGALAXIESmetagalaxies n. Plural of metagalaxy.
METAGALAXY n. the whole universe considered as a system of galaxies; any system of galaxies.
PAGANISATIONpaganisation n. Alternative spelling of paganization.
PAGANISATION n. the act of paganising, also PAGANIZATION.
PALATALISINGpalatalising v. Present participle of palatalise.
PALATALISE v. to make (a sound) palatal, also PALATALIZE.
PARAGNATHISMPARAGNATHISM n. having equal mandibles.
PARAGRAPHISTparagraphist n. A writer of paragraphs.
PARAGRAPHIST n. a person who writes paragraphs, news items esp. for newspapers.
STRAIGHTAWAYstraightaway n. A straight section of a racetrack.
straightaway adv. Alternative form of straight away (“at once; immediately”).
straightaway adj. Extending into the distance in a straight line.
TRANSVAGINALtransvaginal adj. (Medicine) Through the vagina.
TRANSVAGINAL adj. across the vagina.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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