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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 3A, G, I, O and R

AGARICACEOUSagaricaceous adj. (Mycology) Belonging to the Agaricaceae.
AGARICACEOUS adj. belonging to the agaric family of fungi.
AGGRADATIONSaggradations n. Plural of aggradation.
AGGRADATION n. the act of aggrading.
AGGRAVATIONSaggravations n. Plural of aggravation.
AGGRAVATION n. an act or circumstance that intensifies or makes worse.
AGORAPHOBIASagoraphobias n. Plural of agoraphobia.
AGORAPHOBIA n. a morbid fear of open spaces.
ANGIOSARCOMAangiosarcoma n. (Oncology) Any malignant tumour of vascular tissue.
ANGIOSARCOMA n. a malignant tumour of the vascular epithelia, occurring e.g. in the liver.
APPOGGIATURAappoggiatura n. (Music) A type of musical ornament, falling on the beat, which often creates a suspension and subtracts…
APPOGGIATURA n. (Italian) a short note placed before a longer one.
GLADIATORIALgladiatorial adj. Of or pertaining to a gladiator.
GLADIATORIAL adj. of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAN, GLADIATORY.
GLADIATORIANgladiatorian adj. (Dated) Of or relating to gladiators or to combat in general; gladiatorial.
GLADIATORIAN adj. (obsolete) of or like a gladiator, also GLADIATORIAL, GLADIATORY.
GRALLATORIALgrallatorial adj. Of or pertaining to wading birds.
grallatorial adj. Of legs, long and thin, as a wader.
GRALLATORIAL adj. relating to wading birds.
GRAPHOMANIASgraphomanias n. Plural of graphomania.
GRAPHOMANIA n. an obsession with writing.
LOGAGRAPHIASLOGAGRAPHIA n. the inability to express ideas in writing.
MEGALOCARDIAmegalocardia n. (Medicine) The condition of having an enlarged heart.
MEGALOCARDIA n. the condition of having an enlarged heart.
NONAGENARIANnonagenarian n. Synonym of ninetysomething: a person between 90 and 99 years old.
nonagenarian adj. Of or related to ninetysomethings.
NONAGENARIAN n. a person whose age is in the nineties.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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