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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing 3A, E, H, I and R

ACIDANTHERASacidantheras n. Plural of acidanthera.
ACIDANTHERA n. a plant of the genus Acidanthera of white-flowered plants of NE Africa.
ALPHAMERICALalphamerical adj. Alphanumeric / alphanumerical.
ALPHAMERICAL adj. consisting of, or (of a machine) using, both letters and numbers, also ALPHAMERIC.
ANTHRANILATEanthranilate n. (Organic chemistry) Any salt or ester of anthranilic acid.
ANTHRANILATE n. a salt or ester of anthranilic acid.
BREATHARIANSbreatharians n. Plural of breatharian.
BREATHARIAN n. a person who believes that it is possible, through meditation, to reach a level of consciousness where one can exist on air alone.
MATRIARCHATEmatriarchate n. A matriarchal system or community.
matriarchate n. The position of a matriarch.
MATRIARCHATE n. a matriarchy.
NAPRAPATHIESNAPRAPATHY n. (Czech) medical treatment by manipulation of spine, thorax or pelvis.
PARAESTHESIAparaesthesia n. Alternative spelling of paresthesia.
paræsthesia n. Obsolete form of paresthesia.
PARAESTHESIA n. a tingling sensation on the skin, also PARESTHESIA.
PARAPHRENIASparaphrenias n. Plural of paraphrenia.
PARAPHRENIA n. any mental disorder of the paranoid type.
PATRIARCHATEpatriarchate n. (Christianity) The term of office of a Christian patriarch.
patriarchate n. The office or ecclesial jurisdiction of such a patriarch.
patriarchate n. The office-space occupied by a patriarch and his staff.
PHARMACOPEIApharmacopeia n. Alternative form of pharmacopoeia.
PHARMACOPEIA n. a book describing drugs and medicinal preparations; a stock of drugs, also PHARMACOPOEIA.
THEATROMANIAtheatromania n. An excessive love of the theatre.
THEATROMANIA n. a craze for going to plays.
TRACHEARIANSTRACHEARIAN n. a member of the Trachearia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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