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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 18 twelve-letter words containing 3A, C, H, N and T

ACANTHACEOUSacanthaceous adj. (Botany): Of, pertaining to, or resembling, a member of the Acanthaceae family.
acanthaceous adj. Armed with prickles, as a plant.
ACANTHACEOUS adj. prickly; of the Acanthaceae.
ACIDANTHERASacidantheras n. Plural of acidanthera.
ACIDANTHERA n. a plant of the genus Acidanthera of white-flowered plants of NE Africa.
ANACATHARSISanacatharsis n. (Medicine) vomiting or expectoration.
ANACATHARSIS n. vomiting.
ANACATHARTICanacathartic n. An expectorant or emetic medicine.
ANACATHARTIC n. a drug causing vomiting or expectoration.
ANACOLUTHIASanacoluthias n. Plural of anacoluthia.
ANACOLUTHIA n. a nonsequential syntactic construction in which the latter part of a sentence does not grammatically fit the earlier.
ANALPHABETICanalphabetic adj. (Not comparable) (of symbols) Not alphabetic.
analphabetic adj. (Comparable) (of a person) Illiterate, unable to read or write.
analphabetic n. An illiterate person.
ANAPHYLACTICanaphylactic adj. Pertaining to anaphylaxis.
ANAPHYLACTIC adj. of, relating to, affected by, or causing anaphylaxis.
ANTASTHMATICantasthmatic adj. (Pharmacology) Relieving the symptoms of asthma.
antasthmatic n. (Pharmacology) Drug that relieves the symptoms of asthma.
ANTASTHMATIC n. an agent that counteracts asthma, also ANTIASTHMATIC.
ANTHOMANIACSanthomaniacs n. Plural of anthomaniac.
ANTHOMANIAC n. one suffering from anthomania, an obsession with flowers.
ANTIBACKLASHantibacklash adj. (Mechanics) Countering or preventing backlash (jarring reflex motion in machinery).
ANTIBACKLASH adj. arising in opposition to a backlash.
CANTHARIDIANcantharidian adj. Composed of cantharides.
CANTHARIDIAN adj. of or like a cantharid, also CANTHARIDAL, CANTHARIDIC.
CHARLATANISMcharlatanism n. (Uncountable) The state of being a charlatan.
charlatanism n. (Countable) An act of a charlatan.
CHARLATANISM n. the state of being a charlatan.
HAMANTASCHENhamantaschen n. Traditional Ashkenazi three-cornered cookies eaten during the Jewish holiday of Purim. The filling may…
HAMANTASCH n. (Yiddish) a three-cornered pastry traditionally eaten during the Jewish festival Purim.
PARENCHYMATAparenchymata n. Plural of parenchyma.
PARENCHYMA n. the ordinary soft thin-walled tissue of plants, not differentiated into conducting or mechanical tissue.
PHANTASMICALphantasmical adj. Alternative form of phantasmic.
PHANTASMICAL adj. of the nature of a phantasm, also PHANTASMAL, PHANTASMIC.
TAUROMACHIANtauromachian adj. Of or pertaining to bullfighting.
tauromachian n. A bullfighter.
TAUROMACHIAN adj. pertaining to bullfights.
TRACHEARIANSTRACHEARIAN n. a member of the Trachearia.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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