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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 10 twelve-letter words containing 3A, C, D, N and T

ACIDANTHERASacidantheras n. Plural of acidanthera.
ACIDANTHERA n. a plant of the genus Acidanthera of white-flowered plants of NE Africa.
ANTIACADEMICantiacademic adj. Opposing what is academic.
antiacademic n. One who opposes what is academic.
ANTIACADEMIC adj. opposed to things academic.
CANTHARIDIANcantharidian adj. Composed of cantharides.
CANTHARIDIAN adj. of or like a cantharid, also CANTHARIDAL, CANTHARIDIC.
CARDINALATEScardinalates n. Plural of cardinalate.
CARDINALATE n. the office or dignity of cardinal; the cardinals collectively.
COADAPTATIONcoadaptation n. Alternative spelling of co-adaptation.
co-adaptation n. A mutual adaptation of species, organs or genes.
COADAPTATION n. the state of being mutually adapted.
INTRACARDIACintracardiac adj. (Anatomy) Inside the heart.
INTRACARDIAC adj. situated or occurring within or introduced or involving entry into the heart.
INTRACARDIALintracardial adj. Intracardiac.
INTRACARDIAL adj. within the heart.
NONADIABATICnonadiabatic adj. (Physics) Not adiabatic.
NONADIABATIC adj. not adiabatic.
TRADESCANTIAtradescantia n. (Botany) Any of the genus Tradescantia of spiderworts.
Tradescantia prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Commelinaceae – the spiderworts.
TRADESCANTIA n. any plant of the American Tradescantia genus, with attractive, often variegated foliage, aka spiderwort.
VACATIONLANDvacationland n. An area that is often the site of vacations, or well suited for vacations.
Vacationland prop.n. The co-official nickname for the state of Maine in the United States.
Vacationland prop.n. A region of Ohio in the north-central part of the state, along the western half of the Lake Erie shoreline…

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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