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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 3A, 2C, I and P

ACATALEPTICSacataleptics n. Plural of acataleptic.
ACATALEPTIC n. a person who suspends judgment in the belief that certainty is impossible.
ANAPHYLACTICanaphylactic adj. Pertaining to anaphylaxis.
ANAPHYLACTIC adj. of, relating to, affected by, or causing anaphylaxis.
ANAPTYCTICALanaptyctical adj. Relating to anaptyxis.
ANAPTYCTICAL adj. relating to anaptyxis, the insertion of a vowel between two consonants for ease of pronunciation, also ANAPTYCTIC.
CAPACITANCEScapacitances n. Plural of capacitance.
CAPACITANCE n. in electricity, the ability to store an electric charge; measure of such ability.
CAPACITATINGcapacitating v. Present participle of capacitate.
CAPACITATE v. to make or render capable.
CAPACITATIONcapacitation n. Enablement; giving the capacity to do something. (Can we add an example for this sense?)
capacitation n. (Zoology) The process of altering sperm to allow them to fertilize eggs.
CAPACITATION n. the change undergone by sperm in the female reproductive tract that enables them to penetrate and fertilize an egg.
CATAPHRACTICcataphractic adj. Of, pertaining to, or resembling a cataphract.
CATAPHRACTIC adj. of or like a cataphract, a suit of mail; a soldier in full armour.
CATAPHYSICALcataphysical adj. Unnatural; going against nature.
CATAPHYSICAL adj. unnatural.
INCAPACITANTincapacitant n. Any device or substance used to incapacitate a person or crowd.
INCAPACITANT n. a substance that can temporarily incapacitate a person, used esp. as a weapon in biological warfare.
INCAPACITATEincapacitate v. To make someone or something incapable of doing something; to disable.
incapacitate v. (Law) To make someone ineligible; to disqualify.
INCAPACITATE v. to make legally incapable or ineligible.
IPECACUANHASipecacuanhas n. Plural of ipecacuanha.
IPECACUANHA n. (Portuguese) the dried root of various South American plants, used as a purgative, expectorant and emetic, also IPECAC.
PARATACTICALparatactical adj. Synonym of paratactic.
PARATACTICAL adj. of pertaining to, or characterized by, parataxis, also PARATACTIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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