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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing 3A, 2C, E and I

ACADEMICALLYacademically adv. In an academic style or way; from an academic perspective.
ACADEMICAL adv. related to learning, also ACADEMIC.
ACADEMICIANSacademicians n. Plural of academician.
Academicians n. Plural of Academician.
ACADEMICIAN n. a member of an academy.
ACATALECTICSacatalectics n. Plural of acatalectic.
ACATALECTIC n. a poetic line having a complete number of syllables.
ACATALEPTICSacataleptics n. Plural of acataleptic.
ACATALEPTIC n. a person who suspends judgment in the belief that certainty is impossible.
ACCIACCATUREacciaccature n. Plural of acciaccatura.
ACCIACCATURA n. (Italian) a grace-note performed quickly before an essential note of a melody.
ACCLIMATABLEacclimatable adj. Capable of being acclimated.
ACCLIMATABLE adj. that can be acclimated.
ACQUAINTANCEacquaintance n. (Uncountable) A state of being acquainted with a person; originally indicating friendship, intimacy…
acquaintance n. (Countable) A person or persons with whom one is acquainted.
acquaintance n. (Uncountable) Such people collectively; one’s circle of acquaintances (with plural concord).
AGARICACEOUSagaricaceous adj. (Mycology) Belonging to the Agaricaceae.
AGARICACEOUS adj. belonging to the agaric family of fungi.
ANTIACADEMICantiacademic adj. Opposing what is academic.
antiacademic n. One who opposes what is academic.
ANTIACADEMIC adj. opposed to things academic.
AQUACEUTICALAQUACEUTICAL n. a method of delivering food supplements.
CALCEOLARIAScalceolarias n. Plural of calceolaria.
CALCEOLARIA n. any plant of the South American genus Calceolaria, the plants of which are largely cultivated for the beauty of their slipper-like flowers.
CANALICULATEcanaliculate adj. (Botany) Channeled lengthwise; grooved.
CANALICULATE adj. grooved or channelled lengthwise, also CANALICULATED.
CANCELLARIALcancellarial adj. (Rare) Pertaining to a chancellor.
CANCELLARIAL adj. of or relating to a chancellor, also CANCELLARIAN.
CANCELLARIANcancellarian adj. (Rare) Synonym of cancellarial.
CANCELLARIAN adj. of or relating to a chancellor, also CANCELLARIAL.
CAPACITANCEScapacitances n. Plural of capacitance.
CAPACITANCE n. in electricity, the ability to store an electric charge; measure of such ability.
DECALCOMANIAdecalcomania n. The process of transferring decorative designs onto surfaces using decals.
decalcomania n. A decal.
DECALCOMANIA n. the art of transferring a design from paper to another surface.
INCAPACITATEincapacitate v. To make someone or something incapable of doing something; to disable.
incapacitate v. (Law) To make someone ineligible; to disqualify.
INCAPACITATE v. to make legally incapable or ineligible.
IPECACUANHASipecacuanhas n. Plural of ipecacuanha.
IPECACUANHA n. (Portuguese) the dried root of various South American plants, used as a purgative, expectorant and emetic, also IPECAC.
METACERCARIAmetacercaria n. The encysted stage of a trematode parasite (flukes) in the tissues of an intermediate host.
METACERCARIA n. a parasitic trematode in encysted form.
METAGALACTICmetagalactic adj. Of or pertaining to a metagalaxy.
METAGALACTIC adj. relating to a metagalaxy.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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