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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing 4A, M, R and T

ACARIDOMATIAACARIDOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARODOMATIUM.
ACARODOMATIAacarodomatia n. Plural of acarodomatium.
ACARODOMATIUM n. a habitat for mites provided by certain plants that benefit from their presence, also ACARIDOMATIUM.
ACROAMATICALacroamatical adj. Synonym of acroamatic.
ACROAMATICAL adj. abstruse, esoteric, also ACROAMATIC.
AGRAMMATICALagrammatical adj. (Grammar) Not grammatical; ungrammatical.
AGRAMMATICAL adj. not grammatical.
AMALGAMATORSamalgamators n. Plural of amalgamator.
AMALGAMATOR n. one who amalgamates.
ANAGRAMMATICanagrammatic adj. Being or relating to an anagram.
ANAGRAMMATIC adj. like an anagram, also ANAGRAMMATICAL.
ANTIMACASSARantimacassar n. A cover for the back or arms of a chair or sofa, originally to prevent them from being soiled by macassar oil.
ANTIMACASSAR n. a cover to protect the back or arms of furniture.
ANTIMALARIALantimalarial n. An agent that prevents or counteracts malaria.
antimalarial adj. Preventing or counteracting malaria.
ANTIMALARIAL adj. effective against malaria, also ANTIMALARIA.
ARMAMENTARIAarmamentaria n. Plural of armamentarium.
ARMAMENTARIUM n. the collection of equipment and techniques available to one in a particular field, esp. in medicine.
BAROTRAUMATABAROTRAUMA n. injury sustained from failure to equalize the pressure of an air-containing space with that of the surrounding environment.
PARASITAEMIAparasitaemia n. Alternative spelling of parasitemia.
PARASITAEMIA n. the presence of parasites in the blood.
TARAMASALATAtaramasalata n. Alternative spelling of taramosalata.
TARAMASALATA n. (Modern Greek) a fish paste made from the roe of the grey mullet or from smoked cod's roe, mixed with garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, etc.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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