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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 17 eleven-letter words containing A, 2O, 2R, S and V

CARNIVOROUScarnivorous adj. Of, or relating to carnivores, or the taxonomic order Carnivora.
carnivorous adj. Predatory or flesh-eating.
carnivorous adj. (Botany) Insectivorous: capable of trapping insects and absorbing nutrient from them.
CONSERVATORconservator n. One who conserves, preserves or protects something.
conservator n. (Law) A person appointed by a court to manage the affairs of another; similar to a guardian but with…
conservator n. An officer in charge of preserving the public peace, such as a justice or sheriff.
CORONAVIRUScoronavirus n. (Virology) A member of the family Coronaviridaews, comprising viruses which infect animals and human…
coronavirus n. (Metonymically) An illness caused by a coronavirus.
Coronavirus prop.n. Alternative letter-case form of coronavirus (“the virus SARS-CoV-2 or the disease COVID-19”).
EVAPORATORSevaporators n. Plural of evaporator.
EVAPORATOR n. an agent that causes evaporation.
GRANIVOROUSgranivorous adj. That eats seeds.
GRANIVOROUS adj. feeding on seeds.
HOVERBOARDShoverboards n. Plural of hoverboard.
HOVERBOARD n. a narrow horizontal board with wheels at each end, on which a person may stand upright and move by leaning forwards.
OBSERVATORSobservators n. Plural of observator.
OBSERVATOR n. one who observes or takes notice.
OBSERVATORYobservatory n. A place where stars, planets and other celestial bodies are observed, usually through a telescope; also…
observatory n. A lookout (vantage point with a view of the surrounding area).
OBSERVATORY n. a building or place given over to or equipped for observation of natural phenomena (as in astronomy).
OVERAROUSALoverarousal n. Excessive arousal.
OVERAROUSAL n. excessive arousal.
OVERFAVOURSoverfavours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overfavour.
OVERFAVOUR v. to favour excessively.
OVERLABOURSoverlabours v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overlabour.
OVERLABOUR v. (archaic) to labour excessively, also OVERLABOR.
OVERROASTEDoverroasted v. Simple past tense and past participle of overroast.
OVERROAST v. to roast too much.
PROVOCATORSprovocators n. Plural of provocator.
PROVOCATOR n. one who provokes.
TRAVOLATORStravolators n. Plural of travolator.
TRAVOLATOR n. a moving footpath for pedestrians, also TRAVELATOR.
VARIOLATORSvariolators n. Plural of variolator.
VARIOLATOR n. a person who carries out variolation.
VASOPRESSORvasopressor adj. (Medicine) Of or relating to the constriction of blood vessels, which usually causes a rise in blood pressure.
vasopressor n. (Medicine) An agent that causes such constriction: a medication that tends to increase blood pressure.
VASOPRESSOR n. a drug causing a rise in blood pressure by exerting a vasoconstrictor effect.
WOODCARVERSwoodcarvers n. Plural of woodcarver.
WOODCARVER n. a craftsman who carves wood.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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