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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 9 eleven-letter words containing A, N, 2R and 3T

ANTITRUSTERantitruster n. (US) A government agent who investigates monopolies.
ANTITRUSTER n. one who advocates or enforces antitrust provisions of the law.
RETREATANTSretreatants n. Plural of retreatant.
RETREATANT n. a person taking part in a religious retreat.
STERNUTATORsternutator n. Any chemical agent that causes sneezing.
STERNUTATOR n. a substance which causes sneezing, also STERNUTATIVE, STERNUTATORY.
TARATANTARAtaratantara n. The onomatopoeia of a particular sound made by a bugle or trumpet.
TARATANTARA v. to make the sound of a trumpet.
TETRAPTERANtetrapteran adj. Alternative form of tetrapterous.
TETRAPTERAN adj. having four wings, also TETRAPTEROUS.
TRANSMITTERtransmitter n. One who or that which transmits something (in all senses).
transmitter n. An electronic device that generates and amplifies a carrier wave, modulates it with a meaningful signal…
TRANSMITTER n. one that transmits.
TRINITRATEStrinitrates n. Plural of trinitrate.
TRINITRATE n. a nitrate with three nitrate groups in the molecule.
TRITURATINGtriturating v. Present participle of triturate.
TRITURATE v. to crush or grind to a fine powder.
TRITURATIONtrituration n. The act of triturating; grinding to a fine powder.
trituration n. Something triturated, especially dental amalgam.
TRITURATION n. the act of triturating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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