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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 8 eleven-letter words containing A, M, N, P, 2R and U

HARRUMPHINGharrumphing v. Present participle of harrumph.
HARRUMPH v. to clear one's throat noisily in annoyance, also HARUMPH.
INTRAPARTUMintrapartum adj. During parturition (childbirth; labor).
INTRAPARTUM adj. of or relating to childbirth.
PANDURIFORMpanduriform adj. (Botany, rare) Pandurate.
PANDURIFORM adj. fiddle-shaped, e.g. of leaves, also PANDURATE, PANDURATED.
PERICRANIUMpericranium n. (Anatomy) The membrane (or periosteum) which covers the outer surface of the skull.
pericranium n. (Humorous, now rare) The head, skull; one’s mind.
PERICRANIUM n. a membrane covering the skull.
PRAEMUNIRESpraemunires v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of praemunire.
præmunires n. Plural of præmunire.
Præmunires n. Plural of Præmunire.
PRETERHUMANpreterhuman adj. More than human; superhuman.
preter-human adj. (Rare) Beyond what is human.
PRETERHUMAN adj. more than human.
SUPERNORMALsupernormal adj. Beyond what is normal; exceeding the average or the point of reference.
supernormal adj. Paranormal, supernatural.
supernormal adj. (Default logic, of a default) Both categorical and normal.
UNDERDAMPERunderdamper n. (Music) A damper located beneath the hammers in a piano.
UNDERDAMPER n. in a type of upright piano, a damper positioned below the hammers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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