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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, L, 2N, O and 2U

NEURULATIONneurulation n. (Embryology) The process by which the beginnings of the vertebrate nervous system is formed in embryos.
NEURULATION n. the formation of a neurula.
NONALUMINUMnonaluminum adj. (North America) Not of or pertaining to aluminum.
NONALUMINUM adj. not made of aluminum, also NONALUMINIUM.
NONCULTURALnoncultural adj. Not cultural.
NONCULTURAL adj. not cultural.
NOTUNGULATEnotungulate n. Alternative form of notoungulate.
NOTUNGULATE n. any one of an extinct group of herbivorous, hoofed mammals, also NOTOUNGULATE.
NUMMULATIONnummulation n. (Physiology, rare) The arrangement of the red blood corpuscles in rouleaux, like piles of coins, as…
NUMMULATION n. the arrangement of blood corpuscles in rouleaus.
OUTLAUNCINGOUTLAUNCE v. (Spenser) to launch forth, also OUTLAUNCH.
UNANIMOUSLYunanimously adv. In a unanimous manner; without objection.
UNANIMOUS adv. of one mind.
UNCOUNTABLEuncountable adj. So many as to be incapable of being counted.
uncountable adj. (Mathematics) Incapable of being put into one-to-one correspondence with the natural numbers or any subset thereof.
uncountable adj. (Grammar, of a noun) That cannot be used freely with numbers or the indefinite article, and therefore…
UNDULATIONSundulations n. Plural of undulation.
UNDULATION n. a rising and falling in waves.
UNLABOURINGunlabouring adj. Not engaging in labour.
UNLABOURING adj. not labouring.
UNSOUNDABLEunsoundable adj. Impossible to sound; whose depth cannot be gauged.
UNSOUNDABLE adj. not soundable.
UNWOUNDABLEunwoundable adj. Incapable of being wounded.
UNWOUNDABLE adj. not woundable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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