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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 11 eleven-letter words containing A, 2L, O, 2R and T

EXTRAFLORALextrafloral adj. (Botany) Describing a nectary that is situated on a leaf or stem rather than in a flower.
EXTRAFLORAL adj. of nectaries borne outside flowers.
FORESTALLERforestaller n. A person who forestalls, especially one who buys goods before they can be sold on the open market in…
FORESTALLER n. one who forestalls.
ILLUSTRATORillustrator n. A person who draws pictures (especially illustrations in books or magazines).
ILLUSTRATOR n. one who illustrates.
OVERLITERALoverliteral adj. Excessively literal.
OVERLITERAL adj. too literal.
PETRODOLLARpetrodollar n. (Oil industry, chiefly in the plural, also attributively) Money (either notionally or specifically in…
PETRODOLLAR n. a dollar's worth of foreign exchange obtained by a petroleum exporting country through sales abroad.
RETROLENTALretrolental adj. (Anatomy) Situated behind a lens (of the eye).
RETROLENTAL adj. behind the or a lens, esp. that of the eye.
SARTORIALLYsartorially adv. With regard to good clothing or skilled tailoring.
SARTORIAL adv. of or relating to a tailor or tailored clothes, also SARTORIAN.
STEAMROLLERsteamroller n. (Historical) A steam-powered heavy road roller.
steamroller n. (By extension, informal) Any heavy road roller.
steamroller n. (Figurative) Any seemingly irresistible force.
STELLARATORstellarator n. (Physics) A magnetic device used to confine a plasma, especially one used to sustain nuclear fusion.
STELLARATOR n. a twisted torus in which plasma can be confined by a magnetic field, used for producing thermonuclear power by nuclear fusion.
TORTICOLLARtorticollar adj. Relating to torticollis.
TORTICOLLAR adj. relating to torticollis, wry neck.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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