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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 12 eleven-letter words containing A, 2L, O, P, T and U

ALLOTROPOUSallotropous adj. (Botany) Pertaining to a flower which attracts a large range of different insects to feed on its nectar.
allotropous adj. (Biology) Pertaining to an insect which is attracted to flowers of a large range of different species…
ALLOTROPOUS adj. having nectar accessible to all kinds of insects.
AMPULLOSITYampullosity n. (Rare, formal) turgidity of language; bombast.
AMPULLOSITY n. (Browning) turgidity, bombast.
CUPELLATIONcupellation n. The assaying of precious metal in a cupel.
CUPELLATION n. assaying or refining using a cupel; the separation of silver from lead in this way.
EUCALYPTOLEeucalyptole n. Alternative form of eucalyptol.
EUCALYPTOLE n. a volatile, terpene-like oil extracted from the eucalyptus, also EUCALYPTOL.
EUCALYPTOLSeucalyptols n. Plural of eucalyptol.
EUCALYPTOL n. a volatile, terpene-like oil extracted from the eucalyptus, also EUCALYPTOLE.
LEUCOPLASTSleucoplasts n. Plural of leucoplast.
LEUCOPLAST n. a colorless plastid in the cytoplasm of plant cells around which starch collects.
OUTGALLOPEDoutgalloped v. Simple past tense and past participle of outgallop.
OUTGALLOP v. to surpass at galloping.
PASTOURELLEpastourelle n. A type of poetry concerning the romance of a shepherdess.
PASTOURELLE n. (French) a medieval poem between a knight and a shepherdess.
PLOUGHTAILSploughtails n. Plural of ploughtail.
PLOUGHTAIL n. the end of a plough where the handles are, also PLOWTAIL.
PROTHALLIUMprothallium n. A plant, usually a pteridophyte, in gametophyte stage in the metagenesis cycle.
prothallium n. The young gametophyte of a liverwort or peat moss.
PROTHALLIUM n. the free-living gametophyte of a fern or other vascular cryptogam, also PROTHALLUS.
PULLULATIONpullulation n. A teeming, swarming, or multiplying.
PULLULATION n. the act of pullulating.
UNPOLITICALunpolitical adj. Not political.
UNPOLITICAL adj. not political.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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