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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 19 eleven-letter words containing A, 2L, N, S, U and Y

ANALOGOUSLYanalogously adv. In an analogous manner; in a manner which evokes analogy.
ANALOGOUS adv. bearing some correspondence or resemblance.
ANOMALOUSLYanomalously adv. In an anomalous manner.
ANOMALOUS adv. irregular; deviating from rule.
DAUNTLESSLYdauntlessly adv. In a dauntless manner.
DAUNTLESS adv. unafraid.
ILLUSIONARYillusionary adj. Illusory; pertaining to an illusion, or of the nature of an illusion.
ILLUSIONARY adj. having the nature of an illusion.
LARCENOUSLYlarcenously adv. In a larcenous manner.
LARCENOUS adv. relating to larceny, theft of personal property.
MASCULINELYmasculinely adv. In a masculine manner.
MASCULINE adv. male.
MENSTRUALLYmenstrually adv. In a menstrual manner; in terms of the menses.
MENSTRUAL adv. relating to menstruation.
PLAYFULNESSplayfulness n. The quality of being playful.
PLAYFULNESS n. the state of being playful.
RESULTANTLYresultantly adv. As a result; because of this.
RESULTANT adv. resulting.
SUBNORMALLYsubnormally adv. In a subnormal manner.
SUBNORMAL adv. below normal.
SUPPLIANTLYsuppliantly adv. In a suppliant manner; in a humble or earnestly pleading manner.
SUPPLIANT adv. (Shakespeare) supplicating, asking.
UNISERIALLYuniserially adv. In a uniserial manner.
UNISERIAL adv. having only one row or series.
UNISEXUALLYunisexually adv. In a unisexual way.
UNISEXUAL adv. of one sex only, as plants which have the male and female flowers on separate individual.
UNIVERSALLYuniversally adv. In a universal manner.
universally adv. By everyone or by the vast majority of people.
UNIVERSAL adv. of the universe; comprehending, affecting, the whole world.
UNMUSICALLYunmusically adv. In an unmusical way.
UNMUSICAL adv. not musical.
UNPLAUSIBLYunplausibly adv. In an unplausible manner.
UNPLAUSIBLE adv. not plausible, also IMPLAUSIBLE.
UNSCHOLARLYunscholarly adj. Not scholarly.
UNSCHOLARLY adj. not scholarly.
UNSYLLABLEDunsyllabled adj. Not spoken or conveyed in syllables.
UNSYLLABLED adj. not uttered in syllables.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 1 word

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