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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 18 eleven-letter words containing A, I, 3R, S and T

ARBITRAGERSarbitragers n. Plural of arbitrager.
ARBITRAGER n. one who carries out arbitrage, also ARBITRAGEUR.
ARBITRATORSarbitrators n. Plural of arbitrator.
ARBITRATOR n. one that arbitrates.
CERTIORARIScertioraris n. Plural of certiorari.
CERTIORARI n. a writ from higher court to lower court requesting a transcript.
CIRROSTRATIcirrostrati n. Plural of cirrostratus.
CIRROSTRATUS n. (Latin) a type of cloud.
FRATERNISERfraterniser n. Alternative form of fraternizer.
FRATERNISER n. one who fraternises, also FRATERNIZER.
IRRADIATORSirradiators n. Plural of irradiator.
IRRADIATOR n. something or someone that irradiates.
PARARTHRIASPARARTHRIA n. disordered articulation of speech.
RASTERIZERSrasterizers n. Plural of rasterizer.
REARRESTINGrearresting v. Present participle of rearrest.
REARREST v. to arrest again.
RESPIRATORSrespirators n. Plural of respirator.
RESPIRATOR n. an appliance which provides artificial respiration.
RESPIRATORYrespiratory adj. (Relational) Relating to respiration or the organs of respiration; breathing.
RESPIRATORY adj. related to respiration.
RESTRAINERSrestrainers n. Plural of restrainer.
RESTRAINER n. one who restrains.
RIVERCRAFTSRIVERCRAFT n. a craft suitable for use on a river.
RUBRICATORSrubricators n. Plural of rubricator.
RUBRICATOR n. one who rubricates.
TERRESTRIALterrestrial n. (Botany) A ground-dwelling plant.
terrestrial n. Alternative letter-case form of Terrestrial.
terrestrial adj. Of, relating to, or inhabiting the land of the Earth or its inhabitants, earthly.
TRANSCRIBERtranscriber n. A person who transcribes; a transcriptionist.
transcriber n. (Computing) A device or program that transcribes data.
TRANSCRIBER n. one who transcribes.
TRANSFERRINtransferrin n. (Biochemistry) A glycoprotein, a beta globulin, in blood serum that combines with and transports iron.
TRANSFERRIN n. a beta globulin in blood plasma capable of combining with ferric ions and transporting iron in the body.
TRITURATORStriturators n. Plural of triturator.
TRITURATOR n. an apparatus for triturating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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