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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 13 eleven-letter words containing A, I, O and 4S

ABSCISSIONSabscissions n. Plural of abscission.
ABSCISSION n. the act of cutting off.
ASSESSORIALassessorial adj. Relating or belonging to an assessor.
assessorial adj. (Logistics, of a fee) Pertaining to services other than basic delivery, such as fuel and equipment.
assessorial n. An assessorial charge.
ASYSTOLISMSASYSTOLISM n. the state or symptoms characteristic of asystole.
BASSOONISTSbassoonists n. Plural of bassoonist.
BASSOONIST n. a performer on the bassoon.
DISPASSIONSdispassions n. Plural of dispassion.
DISPASSION n. freedom from passion.
DISSUASIONSdissuasions n. Plural of dissuasion.
DISSUASION n. the act of dissuading.
GLOSSARISTSglossarists n. Plural of glossarist.
GLOSSARIST n. a writer of glosses or of a glossary.
ISOSEISMALSisoseismals n. Plural of isoseismal.
ISOSEISMAL n. a line connecting points of same earthquake intensity, also ISOSEISMIC.
PASSIONLESSpassionless adj. Lacking in passion.
PASSIONLESS adj. without passion.
SOAPINESSESSOAPINESS n. the state of being soapy.
SPASMODISTSspasmodists n. Plural of spasmodist.
SPASMODIST n. a person whose work is spasmodic.
SYMPOSIASTSsymposiasts n. Plural of symposiast.
SYMPOSIAST n. a participant at a conference.
SYSSARCOSISsyssarcosis n. (Anatomy) The junction of bones by intervening muscles.
SYSSARCOSIS n. the union of bones, as the hyoid bone (the U-shaped bone at the base of the mouth) and the lower jaw, by muscle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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