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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 10 eleven-letter words containing A, I, 2M, N, O and P

ANAMORPHISManamorphism n. (Computer science) a generalization of the list-producing unfolds known from functional programming…
ANAMORPHISM n. metamorphism of a rock in which complex minerals are formed from simpler ones.
CAMPANIFORMcampaniform adj. In the shape of a bell.
CAMPANIFORM adj. bell-shaped.
MAINTOPMASTmaintopmast n. (Nautical) The topmast of the mainmast.
MAINTOPMAST n. the mast next above the lower mainmast.
NYMPHOMANIAnymphomania n. Excess of sexual behaviour or desire in women.
NYMPHOMANIA n. sexual mania in females.
PANCOSMISMSPANCOSMISM n. the theory that the material universe is all that exists.
PANDEMONIUMpandemonium n. A loud, wild, tumultuous protest, disorder, or chaotic situation, usually of a crowd, often violent.
pandemonium n. An outburst; loud, riotous uproar, especially of a crowd.
PANDEMONIUM n. riotous uproar, also PANDAEMONIUM.
PANTOMIMINGpantomiming v. Present participle of pantomime.
pantomiming n. The performance of pantomime.
PANTOMIME v. to portray or communicate by exaggerated silent gestures or expressions.
PANTOMIMISTpantomimist n. One who engages in pantomime.
PANTOMIMIST n. an actor or dancer in pantomimes.
PROGRAMMINGprogramming n. (Broadcasting) The designing, scheduling or planning of a radio or television program/programme.
programming n. The design and scheduling of a performance such as ballet.
programming n. (Computing) The act of writing a computer program.
TYMPANIFORMtympaniform adj. (Anatomy) Having the form of a tympanum or of a drum.
TYMPANIFORM adj. drumlike; shaped like a drum.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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