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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 16 eleven-letter words containing A, I, 2L, R, U and V

CURVILINEALcurvilineal adj. (Of a line) Having bends; curved; curvilinear.
CURVILINEAL adj. bounded by curved lines.
INTERVALLUMintervallum n. An interval.
INTERVALLUM adj. between ramparts.
INTERVALLUM n. a gap, an interval.
LUCRATIVELYlucratively adv. In a lucrative manner, profitably.
LUCRATIVE adv. yielding lucre; profitable.
OUTRIVALLEDoutrivalled v. Simple past tense and past participle of outrival.
OUTRIVAL v. to outdo in rivalry.
SURVEILLANTsurveillant adj. Overseeing; watchful.
surveillant n. One who watches over another; an overseer; a spy; a supervisor.
SURVEILLANT n. one that exercises surveillance.
TRIVALVULARtrivalvular adj. Having or relating to three valves.
TRIVALVULAR adj. having three valves.
TROUVAILLEStrouvailles n. Plural of trouvaille.
TROUVAILLE n. (French) a fortunate find.
ULTRAVIOLETultraviolet adj. Of electromagnetic radiation beyond (higher in frequency than) light visible to the human eye; radiation…
ultraviolet n. Ultraviolet colour.
ULTRAVIOLET n. the part of the spectrum beyond the visible spectrum at its violet end.
ULTRAVIRILEultravirile adj. Extremely virile.
ULTRAVIRILE adj. very very virile.
UNIVALVULARunivalvular adj. (Botany, zoology) Having only one valve.
UNIVALVULAR adj. having only one valve.
UNIVERSALLYuniversally adv. In a universal manner.
universally adv. By everyone or by the vast majority of people.
UNIVERSAL adv. of the universe; comprehending, affecting, the whole world.
UNRAVELLINGunravelling v. (British spelling) present participle of unravel.
unravelling n. The act of becoming unravelled.
UNRAVELLING n. the act of unravelling.
VARICELLOUSvaricellous adj. Having or relating to the disease varicella.
VARICELLOUS adj. relating to varicella, chicken pox.
VESICULARLYvesicularly adv. In terms of, or by means of, vesicles.
VESICULAR adv. having vesicles e.g. of a rock.
VICTUALLERSvictuallers n. Plural of victualler.
VICTUALLER n. one who furnishes victuals, also VICTUALER.
VOLUNTARILYvoluntarily adv. In a voluntary manner.
VOLUNTARY adv. not compulsory.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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